Rabbi Aaron Kotler Reflects on Rabbi Yisroel Schenkolewski’s Askanus

Rabbi Yisroel Schenkolewksi was far more than a “first chaplain” and accomplished vastly more than one of his achievements of ensuring Kavod Hamos.

He built far more than Bais Kaila.

He was instrumental in our very existence in Lakewood. He was the chosen representative of the Rosh HaYeshiva, Maran HaGaon Harav Shneur Kotler Zatzal in dealing with all Tzorchei Tzibur of our Kehilla from its very origin. He was asked by Rav Shneur to serve as his personal emissary to build the Yeshiva and community.

The Kehilla of Lakewood faced great opposition in the 1960’s through to the early 1990’s.

Rav Yisroel developed the relationships and made the breakthroughs that enabled us all to have a community and our Shuls and Mosdos. Every single Mosad in town in existence today owes their very being to him. He led the political battles when necessary for us all, and he built the strong relationships so that battles were not necessary.

From the first Mikvah at Madison and 7th, to the first Shuls constructed such as Zichron Shneur, despite massive opposition from the greater community, Rav Yisroel managed to overcome the opposition and get them built. And on through the decades.

He was a confidante of governors, senators and congressman who trusted him as the voice of our Torah Kehilla. He made a Kiddush Hashem in his every action. He never let his unique role and influence get to his head and instead he lived most modestly and simply. His judgement was impeccable and wise and respected by the Kehilla and those beyond it alike.

He was trusted by Gedolei Hador for his keen advice and input. And he was loyal to Daas Torah as more than just a catchword but as his reason for being.

His door was open to every one in trouble, day and night and the world flocked to his simple modest home. He served loyally for more than 50 years as Lakewood’s primary address for those in distress. He was on scene at every tragedy and joy alike, there in person, calm, focused, dignified, caring, warm and devoted. He slept countless nights on his couch while waiting to hear back from those post accidents, in hospitals, in jail, stuck overseas, without passports, without papers, and made sure that every individual was helped properly. Reb Yisroel was called Schenky by the olam, and although some might have seen having a nickname as not befitting one of his greatness, his simplicity and humility were all that mattered.

He followed in the footsteps of his father, Rav Meir Schenkolewksi who was instrumental in the rescue of Maran HaGaon Harav Aharon Kotler Zatzal from the Holocaust and from the first Agudah leaders in America.

Beloved by Klal Yisroel and beloved by Hashem, we are overwhelmed by this loss.

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  1. Some of the info I knew and some I didn’t
    But having moved here in early 1990s, I can attest, that everyone knew that rabbi s could help in most trying esoteric situations. He was completely mevatel himself to our community, he would show up to hospitals to help ppl, would give guidance to ppl in legal snags, was a shoulder to cry on when ppl didn’t have a school that accepted their kids. I spoke to him on occasion and he was as down to earth as any regular person
    He lived and breathed for Lakewood! Yehi zichro boruch

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