R’ Shloime Lipshitz is sitting Shiva for his sister, Ms. Naomi Lipshitz A”H, who was Niftar in Eretz Yisroel.
R’ Shloime has no family here, and is sitting alone.
Shiva will take place at 246 Ridge Avenue (basement). Shachris is at 8:30, and Mincha-Marriv is at 5:20 PM. The Minyanim need Chizuk.
Today, Asara B’teves, Mincha is at 5PM.
Oisfast will be served.
He will be getting up on Friday at 10:00 AM.
Hamakom Yenachem Eschem B’Soch Shaar Aveilei Tzion V’yerushalayim.
What time is mincha/mariv ?
Reb Shloime Lipshitz is a real Tzadik, hamesameach elokim v’anushim.
Hamakom yenachem eschem betoch shear aveilei tzion v’yerushalayim
Reb Shloime is a very chushivah person, a symbol of old fashioned ehrliche Yid, it’s a zchus for us to be able to learn from him!
Always living with hashem, doing for other people, & for his family, & extended Lakewood family!
Reb Shloime we’re your chasidem!
Say smart stuff unlike other people do
hamokom yenachem eschem bsoch aveilei tziyon veyerushalayim, m’zul nisht vissen mer fin kein tzaar!