R’ Getzel Rubashkin to speak in Lakewood Motzei Shabbos

R Getzel Rubashkin will be coming to Lakewood this Motezai Shabbos as the guest speaker for the Yeshiva Gedola South Lakewood Parlor Event.

The event, to benefit the Yeshiva, is being held at the home of Yeruchim Rothbart, located at 1428 Bellinger Street (in the Albert section of Lakewood). Yeshiva Gedola of South Lakewood is led by its esteemed Rosh Yeshiva, Harav Yosef Dovid Korbman Shlita.

The Rosh Yeshiva will speak at 9:00 pm, followed by R’ Getzel Rubashkin. This will be followed by q Q&A with R’ Getzel regarding the travails and ultimate Yeshuah of his father, R’ Shalom Mordechai Rubashkin.

This is an exclusive opportunity for those attending to be inspired and elevated in steadfast Emunah and Bitachon in our generation, and supporting Harbatzas Torah in our midst.

[Press Release]

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    • He can’t at this time, due to parol deal; it would have been nice; there would have been huge crowd like in NY. (there will probably e hrere too!)

    • There are many answers to this great question. One answer is, that the yeshiva’s goal is to instill the talmidim with Emunah and Bitochinan and Reb SM is a beacon of Emunah and Bitochin. Now you you think of an answer and let us know what you came up with.

  1. R’ Getzel is a true ברא כרעיה באבוה. His אמונה ובטחון is inspiring and amazing. I am sure that many of us still remember his unbelievable drasha at the Rubashkin gathering in Lake Terrace a few years back.

  2. To the question whats the connection between R’ Rubashkin and the Yeshiva any Yeshiva Is that R. Rubashkin went through so much the last 8 years and he never lost his Bitachon, [neither by the way did his Eishes Chail] Iwould say every Yid can learn from him, and become more thankful for the good that we have in life instead of complaining what we dont have, [trust me I talk from experience,] Good Shabbos everyone.

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