PURIM WEATHER UPDATE: Winter Storm Warning: 6-10 Inches of Snow Possible

forest ave snow tlsAs earlier reported on our News Alerts, the National Weather Service has issued a Winter Storm Warning for tonight into Thursday.

The warning remains in effect from 11 PM this evening until 7 PM Thursday.

Heavy and accumulating snow is expected to begin late tonight into Thursday, the Service says. Six to 10 inches of snow is expected.

mapGiven the expected travel conditions around town, parents are urged to drop off Mishloach Manos for the teachers either today or on Shushan Purim, as recommended by the Igud as well as by the Police Chief Rob Lawson.


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  1. Better pray we don’t get all the snow they are anticipating cause we don’t have a lot of salt at dpw. Now blame that on the workers too cause we are the ones in charge of ordering new shipment. Great management running dpw. No salt, no windshield fluid, etc, etc.

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