Purim Drinking tips from the Vineyard

vineyardThe Vineyard, located at 104 Hillside Boulevard in the Westgate Plaza, offered TLS readers the following basic drinking tips for Purim.

1. The biggest issue, is not drinking enough water. When drinking alcohol, make sure you drink one cup of water for every cup of wine you drink, to counterbalance the dehydration alcohol can cause.

2. Load up on fried foods and carbs before drinking alcohol.

3. Stick to one type of drink. Never mix wine with other alcoholic beverages. If you start with wine, don’t switch to scotch or whiskey etc.

4. Take it slow and know your limits.

5. Have a happy, healthy and safe Purim!

The Vineyard (in Westgate) would like to thank the community for their continued support to the Shomer Shabbos wine stores, including Wine on the 9 (Route 9 in Howell), and Wine Depot on James Street.

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