Gourmet Glatt is abuzz with Purim activity. The festive decor, creative displays (thrilling children and adults alike) and general air of excitement made the store the epicenter for Purim needs these past few weeks. The store experienced an ever-increasing influx of people searching for the perfect items for all their Purim needs, and admiring the spectacular decorations and jaw-dropping displays. Balloons, puppets, masks and more— if your kids haven’t seen it yet, bring them in before the festivity ends!
The deadline is fast approaching for your seudos made simple by Gourmet Glatt. From sushi and deli platters to every kind of fish, meat and chicken main dishes; a wide array of soups, salads and sides, desserts and more—your seudah will be so incredibly delicious, your guests will never guess it’s not homemade (and we won’t tell). Hurry and call or stop by the takeout counter and get your orders in before it’s too late!
In keeping with its policy of giving back to the community it serves, Gourmet Glatt donated the food for hundreds of beautiful mishloach manos put together by Minyan Shelanu. Under the leadership of Rabbi Chaim Abadi, Minyan Shelanu provides resources and a safe haven for struggling teens in our community. Gourmet Glatt is proud to give all proceeds from sales of the mishloach manos towards funding the organization’s important programs. These beautiful mishloach manos were a huge hit and sold out in days, requiring a second batch to be brought in. Show your support for Minyan Shelanu
and purchase a stunning pre-made mishloach manos today!
Gourmet Glatt has also partnered with Hatzolah of Lakewood to raise awareness regarding Purim safety and the importance of designated drivers. Don’t forget to buy a raffle ticket, or five– and a chance to be paraded around Lakewood on a horse led by “Haman” before the time is up! An exciting, once-in-a-lifetime prize and an opportunity to give tzedakah to such an important, life-saving organization—What could be better than that?
The store is open until 12am March 21st and 22nd, 6:30pm on Taanis Esther, and open 10am-1pm on Purim day, so make sure to come check out our Purim specials for all your last minute needs!