Notice of Public Hearing – NJDEP Green Acres Program – Jake’s Law Playground Funding Application
PURPOSE: Jackson Township is seeking funding through the State of NJ Green Acres Program for improvements at Jackson Justice Complex Playground located at 1 Jackson Dr, Jackson, NJ 08527, part of Block 16701, Lot 1 east of Roadway Dr.
PROJECT SCOPE: Jackson Township proposes to create the following at Jackson Justice Complex: an all-inclusive playground to include playground features, safety surface, and upgrade to existing splashpad infrastructure
A concept plan showing the proposed changes, a preliminary cost estimate, and an environmental impact assessment for the project can be found at:
PUBLIC HEARING INFORMATION: The public is encouraged to attend a public hearing to learn more about the proposal and to ask questions or provide comments on the proposed plan on Thursday, January 30 2025, at 6:30 PM. The meeting will be held In Person, as part of the regularly scheduled Council meeting, at 95 W Veterans Hwy, Jackson Township, NJ 08527. Written comments on the proposed application may be directed to Terence Wall, Business Administrator, [email protected], 95 West Veterans Hwy, Jackson, NJ 08527