Public hearings continue ahead of Lakewood Master Plan vote

The Lakewood Planning Board this evening again heard from residents about the Master Plan, which is expected to be voted on soon.

With the town growing at a quick pace, and thousands continue to move in, the goal of the Master Plan is to set the tone for smarter planning for housing and development throughout the Township.

The Plan, say officials, will allow the thousands of more homes to be built around the town, but calls for more aesthetically-pleasing developments, impact fees for developers, wider roads within developments – to allow for parking on both sides, larger setbacks and other items to ensure the growth is done in a smarter way.

The plan also calls for dedicated pick-up and drop-off areas for children, as well as more open space and parks.

Some residents came out and spoke against certain area, but officials say there’s just no way to make everyone happy.

“People will agree we need this or that, but NIMBY (Not In My Back Yard),” one official told TLS. “It’s just impossible to satisfy everyone.

Tonight’s three hour Planning Board hearing comes on top of the Advisory Committee’s hearing, intended to try an implement the ideas from input gathered from residents.

The Board is expected to vote on the Plan tomorrow.

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  1. It’s important for people to come out tomorrow night, even if they don’t get up and speak. If nothing else just to learn how government operates. Very educational and important.

  2. Closing the barn door after the horse has bolted. The damage is done. Whatever “smart” development policies may be effected will do nothing to reverse decades of “unsmart” development and rampant abuse of the zoning code. A few new developments might be a bit more livable, but nothing will reduce traffic nightmares and overwhelmed and crumbling infrastructure.

    • weigh the benefits of living in the ir hatora traffic is a small price to pay yes in hindsight no one ever envisioned the explosive growth – what would rav avigdor miller tell you to do while sitting in traffic? what would rav pam say if he stood outside the mosdos during dismissal?

      • You make a good point. I am not arguing the hashkafa issues. I’m only speaking about the wisdom of the current policy in light of past history.

  3. Lakewood is beyond capacity. The growth has not been organic, it has been perpetuated by developers actively marketing housing to outside groups.

    Lakewood can no longer accommodate it. No amount of infrastructure changes will support even more growth. There are very few through streets in Lakewood and more can not be built due to obstructions.

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