The leader of the New Jersey Senate says homeowners are likely to see their property taxes rise by more than 2 percent next year despite a cap that takes effect Jan. 1. Senate President Steve Sweeney told the New Jersey Business and Industry Association today to expect increases greater than 2 percent unless the economy improves dramatically. A stagnant economy means local governments collect less in taxes.
New Jerseyans already pay the highest property taxes in the nation, averaging nearly $7,300 per year. Read moreĀ from AP.
Time to leave NJ
The Senate leader should find ways to cut State spending instead of looking to raise taxes.
If he can’t cut spending , then it’s time for him to resign.
Perhaps citizens should send him a letter telling him to find ways to cut spending or submit his resignation.
Emails and phone calls are an effective tool .
Tax and spend, tax and spend,,it’s time to stop the insanity.
to #1 & everyone else
It sure is time to leave lakewood & GO TO ERETZ YISROEL where
1)the time has come for Mashiach & everyone to make aliyah-now is just the Test from Hashem to see who & how many are ready to give up their lives & make Aliya to Israel for Hashem
2)the Economy is the best in the world, Prices of houses keep on rising & everything is going up- do your research like me.
3)we can see the hand of Hashem that its time to go, just look at whats happening with the relationship bet. Israel & the U.S.A.
we can also see america Negotiating with terrorists. These are signs from Hashem that it time for all of Klal Yisroel to go to Eretz Yisroel
President Barack (Husaine) Obama is what we need for moshiach to come. You see before Moshiach comes the whole entire world is going to be against Israel & the jews. Now, you can’t just have President Bush & the United States go against Israel, you need a Muslim to rule America & THEN go against Israel. The way Judaism works is that if your mother is jewish then you are jewish. Muslims are just the opposite, if your father is Muslim then you are a Muslim & that is what Barack Obama is. (a Muslim from his fathers side) Now with America under Muslim/Bnei Yishmael rulership Moshiach can come.
You’re surprised?