Frum parents today fear that bed bugs found at the Lakewood High School last week may spread to their children via the School Buses, shared with the private schools. “On Friday my daughter came home from school saying that the bus driver said that Lakewood Public School has a bad case of bed bugs and that the public school students use the same bus, so the private schools most likely will get it”, a concerned parent tells TLS.
Other private school parents expressed similar concerns as well.
TLS spoke with a Board Of Education member who acknowledged the bed bug incident and did not downplay the parents’ fears.
“It’s definitley a distinct possibility that it could happen”, the Board member who wished not to be identified, said. “Each parent should make their own decisions”, he added. The member encouraged parents to speak to a bed bug expert.
Following the discovery of the bugs at the school late last week, members of the Ocean County Health Department reportedly went down to the school to educate school officials about the bugs.
The school official could not say when the issue would be resolved. TLS.
we have to be very careful about all kinds of things that could seep into our culture from the outside. bedbugs are a halba tzura. the whole avir of the gas is tamay. be careful about what your kids watch and where they go. And also be careful about what you watch and where you go.
I cant take it anymore that EVERY article on TLS is followed by an individual’s need to ‘educate’ the ‘oilom’.
If you want to be a Mashgiach in a yeshiva then go for it, but enough with the lessons already!! You are flooding TLS with religious choking!!
seep into our culture…?? do you know for sure if they came from SHARING your buses. bed bugs are’nt bias about who they effect…i didn’t know we had a completly seperate culture in lakewood .
Get a dog inspection. There is a local guy (YS) that does it. I used his service and he found the problem before it spread.
Lakewood High School has had bed bugs for at least 3 weeks and NOTHING has been done to address tge problem. And whose to say the problem didn’t originate on the buses? I know for a face that at least one respected private school does in fact have bed bugs, but they addressed the problem immediately!
there was one bedbug found in one classroom at Lakewood High School and it was dead. There was not a “bad case” of bed bugs. The students wanted to get out of class so they left class and went around saying that there were bugs all over the school. In order to survive the bed bugs need mattresses and somewhere warm, inside a classroom or school bus they won’t survive that long.
Um, maybe Lakewood Public School got the bedbugs from a private school?
i agree with #6
#6 you are very wrong! bed bugs can survive ANYWHERE, they dont need a mattress or a warm place to survive. They are known to be on buses, airplanes, trains, bus shelters and in schools!
FYI Bad bugs can survive in an empty house for over a year! I had to spend 1k getting rid of them after buying a forclosure that was empty(no mattresses) the whole winter! And yes they can take a ride on someones clothing to get to a school or a school bus. So if you are really conerned about them, and you should be, first findout if your school shares the buses, if they do, make sure to through your childrens clothing into a dryer for 15 min on high heat evey day, that is a cheap and easy way to protect yourself, since bed bugs die if heated to 128 F.
Number 6–The one dead bedbug was brought up at the board meeting on October 27, but there have been more found since that time…n alive and well. The students wouldn’t use that lame excuse to get out of class…they are much more creative than that. Please get your facts correct before posting…..I did.
There were more bedbugs found alive even today in the school library! The problem seems to be isolated to a few rooms. However, kids change rooms and prob treck them to other locations. It is a problem which is not and has not been addressed by the school, admin or board. It’s 3 wks now!
I had a great experience with All State Pest Management for treating the bed bugs, first they bring a K9 dog to see where the problem is & then they bring a heat machine that does the rest……….
All State is the best!!! The dog they sent me was very cute and found the problem right away.
How bout the cleaning lady? R u sure she doesn’t bring in bed bugs?
I ment to agree with 7 not 6
the bed bug could have been brought to the BOE meeting for many reasons. Who really knows if the insect came from lakewood at all. We have failing schools and getting worse yet many people in town want to give the superinentent another 3 year contract at $175K.
What a good way of turning the attention away from grades to bugs
it’s time to drive your children to school rather come home with bed bugs
The bedbugs were just in the English office. It is so full of books, boxes stacked one on another, dusty and old. No students go into the office. No one puts their jackets on those boxes or leans on them, so the bugs probably did not leave the office.
I had a fabulous experience getting rid of those nasty Bed Bugs with AtoZ pest control they have the best customer service out there they will continue to come (with a smile) until the problem is solved ! Mr Rokowsky is one of a kind……
just going to cost the strapped out tax payers
who else ???
I know of at least one case where several people traced a problem to their cleaning lady (several of her employers found bedbugs at the same time). The bugs can certainly travel in clothing or bags, that’s how many people bring them home from hotels.
Lice is more of an issue why isn’t anyone complaining
Bed bugs are around everything, they can be on clothing bought in stores. Remember Macy’s and a few other stores had to be closed for a while last year to get rid of them. Just another reason for someone to blame the public school children.
“people traced a problem to their cleaning lady ”
now thats funny their cleaning lady ??? guess you can’t call her a cleaning lady anymore