[COMMUNICATED] Readers around the world were disturbed last week to learn the story of Mordechai Freuchter, a young father of 5 who has been, according to his family and several rabbanim, falsely imprisoned. Freuchter has endured severe stress and been harassed by other prison mates due to his religious observance.
The family has now publicly announced that Mordechai has now suffered a stroke, and is wheelchair-bound. Shockingly, the prison will not allow him to be released in order to receive an MRI. They are powerless to hire a lawyer to fight the battle to allow him out for treatment, as they cannot afford the fees. The trial has been postponed for months for the same reason.
Donations are being collected to help the Freuchter family afford the legal fees they need so that he can be fairly represented and released from jail. Rabbi Yaakov Zilberman urges that this is a case of “pidyon shvuyim,” or releasing a Jewish captive.
Contributions have begun to trickle in but nothing even close to the $150,000 needed. The family will continue to pray & watch the campaign’s progress, as a man’s life hangs in the balance.
Where is this prison located?