President Trump’s daughter to speak in Ocean County on Monday
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Is she going to convince me that to be happy that $5,000 of my $15,000 in property taxes will be taxed by the federal government?
Something is wrong when who is elected truly makes a difference to the lives of ordinary middle-class Americans, those that do not seek favors from government. We have had a stable two-party system since the birth of the republic. When Jefferson’s party took power, the polity was not disturbed.
What else can you expect from an executive without any experience in government and no knowledge of history?
I love tax reform. I get hit by the AMT (and many frum families do). So I have never been able to deduct state and local taxes. This will allow me to at least deduct the vast majority of my property taxes (I pay about 12k).
Excuse me Mr Teacher. As someone who lives in PA I find it offensive what you just wrote. Why is it my responsibility to finance your property taxes. Why should you get a deduction on federal taxed which I and the rest of the country will because your city charges tons of taxes. That’s between you and your local government.
I find it disgusting that NY/NJ taxes their citizens to the hilt, and then shnorrers from the rest of the country to pay more tax. It’s a coverup to make it seem like their taxes aren’t sky-high!
Let’s see if someone can get her to cut her sheitel 1 inch for a zechus….
Hey Teacher, instead of making everyone subsidize your taxes how about you elect politicians that will reel in spending and lower your taxes.Your new Governor promised to raise your taxes even more, do you want the rest of us to pay your share of that too. I think NOT!
New Jersey has high taxes because it is home-rule state. That means that there are a lot of local governments and school districts, each with its own executive and governing authority. It is structural issue, a constitutional issue, and it has nothing to do with elected officials.
If a person makes $15,000 and uses all his money to pay property taxes without anything left for himself, he still theoretically will owe federal taxes, if not for the standard deduction of course. This is the principal that double taxation is unfair that has alway guided federal taxation. And to tax state taxes to boot!
This is par for the course for the Republican, pitting section against section. I mentioned that we have always had an election oriented (not issue oriented) two-party system in which each party tries to win over ever section, every person of every persuasion, in the nation, creating a stable democracy. Of course, the exception was in 1860 when the Republicans won election pitting section. They are doing the same by punishing states for voting Democrat. This is an aberration that will certainly be replaced in 2018, for if not, it will be the doom of the republic.