President Trump Orders Airstrikes Against ISIS Terrorists in Somalia

Statement from President Trump:

“This morning I ordered precision Military air strikes on the Senior ISIS Attack Planner and other terrorists he recruited and led in Somalia. These killers, who we found hiding in caves, threatened the United States and our Allies. The strikes destroyed the caves they live in, and killed many terrorists without, in any way, harming civilians. Our Military has targeted this ISIS Attack Planner for years, but Biden and his cronies wouldn’t act quickly enough to get the job done. I did! The message to ISIS and all others who would attack Americans is that “WE WILL FIND YOU, AND WE WILL KILL YOU!”

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  1. Trump…Binden and his cronies…

    The United States carried out dozens of air strikes on ISIL (ISIS) targets in Syria following the stunning collapse of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s government. That was December 2024 when Biden was in office. Less than 2 months ago.

    It’s interesting how the scoop chose to report this national story, but not the other.

    The Scoop could also report about how Trump risked an ISIS prison break because he decided to unilaterally decide to hault all foreign aid, including payments to those who watch over ISIS prisoners.


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