President Trump Expected to Name New Jersey State Senator Doug Steinhardt as the Next U.S. Attorney for New Jersey

Steinhardt has visited Lakewood multiple times in the past, including one notable visit with business owners during the early months of the Covid-19 pandemic.

President Trump is expected to name New Jersey state Senator Douglas Steinhardt as the next U.S. Attorney for the District of New Jersey.

Steinhardt, who will need to be confirmed by the U.S. Senate, is currently serving his first term as a state Senator, and previously was chairman of the New Jersey Republican party, which applauded the choice in a statement.

“The New Jersey Republican Party proudly congratulates Doug Steinhardt on his nomination by President Donald J. Trump to serve as the next U.S. Attorney for New Jersey,” they said.

“Doug Steinhardt has been a steadfast leader and advocate for New Jersey throughout his distinguished career. As the former Chairman of the New Jersey Republican Party, Doug worked tirelessly to strengthen our party and advance the conservative principles that benefit every Garden State resident.”

The expected pick was first reported by the New Jersey Globe.

A former mayor of Lopatcong Township, has close to ties to the Jewish community and has visited Lakewood multiple times in the past, including one notable visit with business owners during the early months of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Despite being a new member to the state Legislature, Steinhardt quickly earned a reputation as a tough on crime legislator, introducing a series of bills strengthening penalties for criminals, including a “stand your ground” bill.

Steinhardt also recently introduced legislation aimed at strengthening State and Federal cooperation in an effort to help stabilize the immigration crisis by requiring New Jersey law enforcement agencies to notify federal immigration authorities within 24 hours of arresting any individual for a crime of the first through fourth degrees, or any misdemeanor involving drugs, theft, robbery, possession of a firearm without a permit, fraud, or any other crime that results in detention if the individual is in the United States illegally.

U.S. attorneys are the chief federal law enforcement officers in their respective districts and have wide latitude to pursue a litany of cases.

They usually serve four-year terms at the pleasure of the president and resign when a new presidential administration takes office. The former U.S. Attorney for New Jersey, Phil Sellinger, resigned from his position earlier this month.

Steinhardt is expected to be confirmed easily and sworn in over the next few months.

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