President Trump announces he will not attend Biden Inauguration
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Don’t forget that Obama, and hundreds of other democrats (and many Republicans) did not attend his.
But they all want his support when he is no longer the POTUS and his donations to their election campaigns
you are incorrect
A simple Google search would show you that is not true. Obama DID attend Trump’s inauguration, what you are saying is absolutely not true. As did Carter and Bill Clinton, both of them Democratic former Presidents.
And btw, Hillary also attended Trump’s inauguration.
Actually, they did. Please, facts only.
Obama did attend Trump’s inauguration.
Outgoing President Barack Obama, outgoing Vice President Joe Biden, former presidents Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, and George W. Bush, and former vice presidents Dan Quayle and Dick Cheney, along with their respective wives, attended the inauguration, including Hillary Clinton, who had been Trump’s main opponent in the general election (Clinton was attending as a former first lady, not as the losing candidate). Former president George H. W. Bush and former first lady Barbara Bush did not attend the inauguration due to health issues.
Obama did attend Trump’s inauguration. He was to the right of the podium if you watch the videos.
Obama was an outgoing president, had he lost to trump he would not have attended
So now the claim is that Obama is the bad guy because of something he would have done.
Did you notice that Hillary DID lose to Trump, and she still attended the inauguration?
And you know that how?
Obama would have attended either way. I am no Obama fan, but Obama presented as a gentleman in spite of the terrible things that he did to this country. Trump’s policies were great, but his lack of basic outward decorum will destroyed what he will be remembered for in the end. He gave the dems all the ammunition they needed to label him and his policies as unhinged. It is a real shame.
@James Obama did attend as did Hillary Clinton who did lose to Trump.
He is definitely not going out in style. Quite immature, in fact.
Andrew Johnson didn’t attend Grant’s inauguration, John Adams didn’t attend Jefferson’s and John Quincy Adam’s didn’t attend Jackson’s. So there is plenty of historical precedent. He need not attend.
Why in heavens name would he attend the inauguration of a president he believes ousted him using illegal methods, and didn’t actually win? Because of Precedent? Do you know anything about trump?
Hes 100% right not to go.
Firstly, the hatred the left showed for him from the Russian Collusion hoax, to spying on his campaign etc etc was disgusting.
Secondly, they stole the election from him. He should absolutely not go.
He broke away from his attempted coup of Trump meeting to attend inauguration
I hope that Biden attends, I hope the 78 yr old lives till his inauguration.
Smart move.
This democRATic gang is a deep state communistic enterprise. Trump should not have to sit with gangsters and Israel haters. These democRATs said nothing to the looting and burning of private citizens stores. But these fake politicians are up in arms because some people invaded their offices. They only care about themselves. Dump the democRATs
Laptops went missing. Spy vs. Spy. They both wanted them. One side to clean them like with a cloth and the other to keep in the chain of custody.