Pothole Killer Arrives in Lakewood

pothole killer 2-23-16The pothole killer has arrived in Lakewood, and will remain in town for approximately eight weeks.

The pothole killer machine can quickly fill the holes with hot patches even during the winter, giving the fillers a lifespan of approximate 44-48 months.

According to Public Works officials, last year’s patches have had a success rate of over 90%.

Only roads within the township’s jurisdiction are being treated by the township-leased machine. State and County roads are covered by their respective jurisdictions.


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  1. 90% success rate? … 44-48 months? … pfft!
    Most of them are a bumpy mess when filled and quite a number of them are already worn down just 12 months or so since being filled last year.

  2. Have you noticed a traffic increase steadily every year..that could have something to do with the increased wear & tear of everything..including the potholes

  3. JBW is 100% right, and, surprise !!, the twsp is 100% wrong. These killers aren’t killers at all. They’re a temporary fix, and I do mean temporary. Some of our roads look like a moonscape. Weld on those hubcaps, ppl !!!

  4. How about Williams street end to end especially at the corner by James ONCE AGAIN that street was done last year so much for 44-48 months

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