As snow and ice begin to thaw and crumbling roadways emerge, a new study reveals that pothole damage has cost U.S. drivers $15 billion in vehicle repairs over the last five years, or approximately $3 billion annually. With two-thirds of Americans concerned about potholes on local roadways, AAA cautions drivers to remain alert to avoid pothole damage, and urges state and local governments to fully fund and prioritize road maintenance to reduce vehicle damage, repair costs and driver frustration.
“In the last five years, 16 million drivers across the country have suffered pothole damage to their vehicles,” said Tracy Noble, spokesperson for AAA Mid-Atlantic. “The problems range from tire punctures and bent wheels, to more expensive suspension damage.”
Costs for repairing damages caused by potholes can range from $50 for a simple wheel alignment to $500 or more for replacing high end wheels and tires. But that’s only a fraction of what drivers could wind up paying. Vehicle suspension and steering components may also be impacted to the tune of $2,500.
“Vehicle damage costs from potholes and deteriorating road conditions do not discriminate and often land heavily in the pockets of New Jersey motorists.” Noble stated. “Over the past several winters AAA’s emergency roadside assistance has fielded over 50,000 tire related rescue calls in New Jersey alone, calls that usually come with a hefty price tag.”
According to AAA’s survey, middle- and lower-income individuals are the most worried about potholes, with the majority of respondents in households having annual incomes under $75,000 expressing the highest levels of concern over damaged roadways. This is likely due in part to the financial impact, as pothole damage can lead to expensive and extensive vehicle repairs.
AAA’s members are paying a steep price for bad road conditions, and those costs are expected to rise even higher in the years ahead. Americans rely on our nation’s roads and bridges every day, and more funding is desperately needed to prevent potholes, other unsafe conditions and longer commutes. Congress increased transportation funding in 2015 to help pay for road repair, but as much as $170 billion in additional funding is needed per year to significantly improve America’s roads and bridges.
According to AAA’s biannual Report to the Legislature, New Jersey motorists have seen their commutes worsen over the last four years. When asked to rate their satisfaction with their regular commutes, 45 percent of respondents say their commute has gotten worse. Since 2011, the ‘worse’ rankings have risen from 33 percent to an all-time high of 45 percent in 2015. These rankings are a clear result of years of neglect to our infrastructure.
Most of that 3 billion dollars is right here in Lakewood!! 🙂
I wouldn’t worry about it, as soon as Trenton raises the gas tax fifty cents a gallon the roads will be as smooth as glass.