Potential Disaster Avoided In Lakewood After Eagle-Eyed Bus Driver Notices Sleeping Child On Bus

A potential disaster was avoided tonight in Lakewood after a Jays bus driver noticed a child sleeping in the back of the bus after completing his route this evening.

According to the driver, he decided to do a check of the bus after dropping off his last stop because he thought he noticed something odd.

Walking through the bus, he was shocked to discover a child sleeping soundly, “out cold on a seat.”

The driver quickly called out to the parent who was waiting at the last stop and together woke up the child.

The disoriented child was unable to offer his last name or address but after a bit of investigative work, they were able to find out his name and return him to his parents.

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  1. tired? or dehydrated ? are the camps properly hydrating the kids? and are the buses kepping the a/c on at all times?

  2. Wasn’t eagle eyed unless he saw the child from hundreds of feet away, he should be checking his bus after every run to begin with.

    • His NAME is Eagel-Eyed; we grew up on an Indian reservation together. I was Hawk-Nose, he Eagel-Eyed. We were big trouble makers and always disturbed the wig-wams of our tribal leaders.

  3. To all the detractors:Yes, everyone appreciates that he was doing his job! and Thank G-d a tragedy was averted. Being a bus driver is a challenging occupation, especially on the loooong runs to and from the day camps . Please give credit to the drivers for persisting and doing such a great job. The children, too, find the bus ride exhausting and very often fall asleep.

  4. Maybe because of the type of school and the time they get out of school that’s why that little kid was so tired, God bless to that driver

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