Prepare to pay more money to send mail because the U.S. Postal Service will announce an increase Tuesday for the price of stamps. Stamp prices are currently 44 cents, and it’s not known how much higher those prices could go. The postal service is trying to find any way it can to make money, after it lost nearly $4 billion dollars alone last year. One idea involves ending Saturday mail delivery, but Congress would have to approve it. Cfnews.
Postage Stamp Price Hike Expected
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Crazy idea- how about cutting or limiting benefits?
Better yet – declare the Postal Service a third world country (Postalistan?) at odds with U.S. policy and just give them kashmillions of dollars.
Great idea , closed on Shabbos. Maybe they will close on Yom Tov.
in the full article, it says the losses are even after cutting 40,000 full time jobs. if they are able to function even after cutting so many positions, imagine ow much waste is in this system
If they want myy two cents…
Of course they lose $$. The service is getting worse and worse. The lines in the post office are long, but there are only two cashiers. The publications in Lakewood are increasingly using private delivery because the postal delivery is unreliable. I recently made a Chasunah and I have so far heard about at least 3 people who never received my invitation. On the envelope we had our return address and the address of the other side which is in E”Y and the geniuses sent 2 wrong address envelopes to E”Y–for 44 cents! I can go on and on…If they would have reliable service, they would have more revenue–just like any other business!
they’ll just lose money cuz pplwill deliveras much mail as they can themselves!!!!!!!
does this surprise anyone that the post office losses money, everthing the government does losses money! has anyone seen the budget deficit lately? We have a Fed Government that thinks they can borrow their way out of debt ,well that just does’nt work we are headed for the next depression folks unless we change course soon !!