NOTICE: (The following is a statement from the OK). Within the next four weeks Post Cereal has elected to discontinue with the Pas Yisroel status of all their cereals. All Pareve Post cereals that will be found on the shelves of stores and supermarkets for the next four weeks from the date of this notice (except Great Grains, Shredded Wheat and product of Canada, which are not Pas Yisroel) will have been produced under the Pas Yisroel program. OK KOSHER CERTIFICATION cannot accept responsibility of the Pas Yisroel status for any products purchased after this date. Collive.
Post Cereal To Discontinue With Pas Yisroel Status
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plenty of other companies out there . no big loss
none others are pas yisroel
who said cereal has to be pas yisroel , its not "PAS"
Post Fruity Pebbles & Cocoa Pebbles contain none of the five grains, so even those who are makpid on pas yisroel may continue to buy these products.
rabbi g said cheerios is not pas… so make your own decision
So many good cereals that are Pas Yisroel that taste the same if not better… it's just inconvenient for us Yidden not blessed with a kosher market like in L.A. where they are few and far between