Poll: Who do you think won the presidential debate?


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  1. Lester Holt was not fair to Trump He kept interrupting him and one of the important issues Hillarys emails was skirted around All Hillary showed was how cynical she is I believe she had the questions before the debate Its not hard to see who Lester is voting for

  2. I don’t think it was Donald Trump’s best performance by any stretch. Not that she was so spectacular either. To be fair it was a rather boring debate as far as debates go. That said, Trump still has my vote.

  3. although hillary seemed to be more eloquent and articulate,bear in mind she has a horrible track record as a phony and a fraud.She is a ploitical hack and knows what to say at the right time.Wake up america and smell the coffee! she is full of hot air!

  4. Clinton sounded scripted- Trump spoke from the heart. He was real. I think he could have done better around his tax returns and the birther issue. Not sure why that’s a racist issue. Nu Nu.

  5. According to some recent polls that I’ve seen, about 10% of the electorate will vote for someone other than Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton on November 8th. Gary Johnson (the Libertarian Party candidate) and Dr. Jill Stein (the Green Party candidate) should have also been on that debate stage last night. Candidates from the other, lesser known parties, should have also been allowed to take part in the debate.

  6. This poll shows how rational and truthful people on this site are. Polls on other sites show the same thing. Very few of us are so foolish to believe Trump won, but it’s too difficult to vote for what we know to be true?!? This poll is embarrassing.

  7. As soon add hillary said trump can’t have nuclear secrets or power she lost the debate. That’s simply foolish. 50 percent of Americans are voting for trump and you think he can’t have nuclear power? What a fool

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