Poll: Should Schools Shorten Mid-Winter Vacation Due to Recent Storm?

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  1. Wat is wrong with people . why cant people just enjoy the time off with their kids . witch ever schools were open today I think they were wrong . If you have to work I am sure they would understand if you have to take off and if you learn I am sure you will get some time to learn at home if not I am sure Hashem will forgive you that you can take care of your children.

  2. My girls had off tod and will be having off again Fri Mon Tues..I think that Tues of midwinter should be removed!! Those working in the school system have so much time off between vacations, snow days, and before pesach..They are not lacking in any time off.

  3. I’m not a teacher either but why in the world do teacher need vacation!!! they are entitled to sick days and personal days!! do you know of any secretary that gets off personal, sick, the entire summer, a week beofre pesach, midwinter, day after every yom tov, Chanukah, etc

  4. My son has no mid-winter vacation. His yeshiva used to have and then along the way they decided to take it away.
    kollel yungerleit get 9 weeks off during the year (three bein hasmanims). I am still trying to figure out why 12 year old boys have less than that (they have about 7).


  5. They should not shorten mid- winter; that’s completely unfair. Every college; school etc. gives an official mid winter break that is absolutely necessary. Weather conditions have nothing to do with interfering with planned school intersessions. What I don’t know is why my son was off from school today?? For what reason, I don’t know; I’m paying tuition for a reason & can’t just take off from my work..

  6. To #9 YES, but you prob get paid much much much more than a teacher, that’s what comes with being a teacher, the entire summer, a week before pesach, midwinter, day after every yom tov, Chanukah, etc
    many chose the lower pay for these days off. we all have our obligations to family to make Yom tov etc.

    Mid winter is something we rely on to tend to our personal needs, we dont go to Florida on these days, I have all my Dr. appts set up for these days.

  7. to all of you bad mouthing vacation…first of all most teachers in lakewood DO NOT get personal and sick days….but more importantly each person chooses their own profession…fact of life schools for years have had vacation days….you want to complain that you don’t have mid winter vacation bec you work in an office how about accepting the salary our hard working get….when you come home from the office do you have hours of prep time….tens of parent phone conferences a week… i think not! so how about we let each of us choose our professions accepting the pros and cons that come with our job…as well as the benefits or lack thereof!
    p.s. not a teacher i just am trying to accept the facts of life!
    hope the rest of your winter is happy and healthy

  8. Chaya is 1000% right. And its a point I make every time a school/yeshiva issue comes up. The salaries are anemic. Give the teachers as much off as possible. Before we ask the rebbes/morahs for more , more, more we should pay them a little more, more, more. And send them tips, tips & more tips!! All yr round. Not only Chanukah, Purim, Tu Beshvat & Shvuos.

  9. I think it’s crazy to make the mid winter vacation shorter due to the fact that it’s not the kids fault that there was a storm it’s Mother Nature and we have to live with it and it has nothing to do with mid winter vacation..!!!

  10. Narishkeit. Driving around Lakewood today was like driving on an ice skating rink. Having an off day due to inclement weather has NOTHING to do with the planned mid – winter vacation.

    By the way – next storm scheduled for next Monday.

  11. I agree. Let’s pay the teachers, especially the N’shei Chayil who teach our daughters a living wage of $50,000 (I believe the current starting salary is under $20,000-in 2014!) and then we can talk about their vacation days.

  12. Children need the vacation. They are under a lot of pressure, and need to be able to decompress a little bit. and o it is not particularly convenient for me personally, but personal convenience is not what parenting is about.

  13. this may be taboo, but I also don’t understand why schools have banned going to Florida.

    I went a couple of times before my children went to school. I personally find Florida boring. There really isn’t much to do there. But children enjoy a change of scenery along with the warmer weather and come back refreshed.

  14. Just wondering, how much would schools have to charge for tuition in order to pay a living wage? My sons tuition and fees is currently over $7000 and there are more then 25 students in his class.

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