Poll: Should NJ Take in Syrian Refugees?
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Why? So that they can bring their terror here?
Is this a joke?
So thy cld blow us up?! For real?!
The President says there should be no religious test for entry into the US. That is true. But there should be hostility tests. If a refugee is coming from a region where the likelihood of him or her being hostile is more likely, then it would be prudent to not let them in regardless of religion.
There are no shortage of immigrants/refugees whos lives would be enriched by coming to the US. Why should someone from a historically anti western/US region come first? ( or at all?)
As Michael Savage likes to say, “Liberalism is a mental disorder”.
Even with the most recent terror attacks in Paris, there will still be some left-wing crazies who will advocate allowing in Syrian refugees.
R they normal R they going 2 let them in???
When are you going to learn…. the Democrats know better than you. They say it is a good thing, then it is a good thing. Deal with it!!!!!
Or vote them OUT or live with their greatness!!!!!
Many if not most of the Syrian refugees are fleeing from ISIS themselves. Of course we have to be careful and take care of ourselves but don’t say that they are coming here to blow us up. They have harrowing stories of pain and suffering to share.
I was listening toa report in a refuge camp and he asked some teenagers there how many people are from terrorist organization, they answered that they’d say about 1in 5 refugees have some sort of affiliation with a terrorist organization. Now think about the amount of refugees there and do the math of about how many potential terrorist there are trying to get to the west or are already here . Stupid liberals think first.
Why are there more men than women and children refugees, think about it.