Poll: Should NJ Lower the Drinking Age to 18?

Assemblyman Michael Patrick Carroll (R-Morris) has introduced legislation that would lower New Jersey’s drinking age from 21 to 18, going against one of the most famous laws sponsored by U.S. senator, Frank Lautenberg.

alcoholHis argument? If an 18-year-old in America can serve in the military, they should be old enough to purchase alcohol.

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  1. Alcohol is one of the biggest addictions in the world. If anything we should raise it to 25 when cognitive brain function is fully developed, and one can make a more informed decision to drink or not.

  2. AL,

    While alcohol addiction is a big issue, why would we want the government to solve this. They can never get anything right. We need to stop thinking that Trenton and Washington will solve our problems.

  3. Faulty thinking- we solicit young people for the military because they are the best soldiers- for many reasons, they have the right mentality, they have the strength and athleticism. This does NOT translate into purchasing alcohol. They are still immature and need to develop life skills. The army helps them develop that- but only after a few years.
    I would like the legal age left alone.

  4. This is a maturity question. You should not be able to smoke, drink, vote, serve in the military, or be a parent until you are legally mature. All should be the same, and should be 18 to make it simple.

  5. At the age of 18 I enlisted into the Army. I smoked, only able to drink 3.2 beer on base, couldn’t vote. Wounded during the Tet Offensive 1968 at 19 and couldn’t legally drink of base til 21. If one is eligible to be in the Military and Vote at 18 they should be eligible to smoke and drink.

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