Poll: Should NJ Allow Concealed Weapon Carry?

Following the Paris attacks, there has been a new push for concealed carry in New Jersey. Should NJ allow residents to carry guns for self defense?


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  1. It might be a good idea, just make sure you give this permits to those people
    A) that took a safety course
    B) know how to use it well
    C)have a paper from a Reliable doctor that person is not paranoid and has no mental issues.

  2. @Benny-Part of getting your permit is trained to use, and several background checks. Your comments make it like its a done deal all wrapped up in a neat & safe package. People that typicall talk about using guns have never even held one. Pulling a gun and actually holding someone or even shooting someone is very tense to say the least. It’s not a toy and not a game, the after math can be horrific and has life long impact. Regardless of which end of the gun you are. This is all a typical knee jerk reaction.

  3. Back at “Lakewooder”
    The difference netween you and me – I have a permit and I own a gun, and I am trained to safely use it to protect my family, that’s why I say what I say:

    “It might be a good idea, just make sure you give this permits to those people
    A) that took a safety course
    B) know how to use it well
    C)have a paper from a Reliable doctor that person is not paranoid and has no mental issues.

  4. To a certain extent its really easy to get a permit to buy a gun. i got a permit and it was really easy, litterly anyone can, to which i say they should be stricter like making a mandatory doctor mental evaluation but once someone passed that they should definitely be allowed to carry their gun everywhere

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