Poll: Should Governor Murphy Forego His Salary Until COVID Restrictions Are Lifted?

GOP gubernatorial candidate Jack Ciattarelli expressed his dismay at Governor Murphy’s Covid-19 restrictions on New Jersey and called for the governor to forego his salary until those restrictions are lifted. 

Ciattarelli tweeted: “Gov Murphy needs to give up his salary. 1/3 of all N.J. small businesses have closed for good, the unemployed are choosing between food & medication, and yet the guy who made $7 million LAST YEAR ALONE is still pocketing $175,000 a year from taxpayers? Give me a break. Better yet, as long as your shutdowns & business restrictions continue, give the taxpayers a break and give up your salary Governor. That’s what I would do.”

Do you agree? Should Governor Murphy decline the salary given to him until restrictions are lifted?

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  1. How about fining everyone that does not wear a mask properly and give that money to the small business or Restaurants that have to close down.
    Fine everyone that is not following the rules like the rest of us, that would bring in a lot of money for N.J. Maybe if everyone followed the rules we would be in better shape. This should not have gotton this bad again, but people to not follow the rules. So the rest of us suffer.

    • You may want to view the data from areas where people “are following the rules”. I’m sure there is absolutely no spread of covid in those areas.
      Maybe it’s dumb people like you who go along with all this garbage that is causing so much pain to all these people who are unemployed, the kids who are missing out on a year’s worth of education etc. who should be ones paying fines.

  2. He’s actually working harder then ever so if anything he should get a raise.
    And besides why don’t we have Hakaras Hatov that he didn’t shut Lakewood down when we experienced a second wave? Most democratic governors would have shut us down.

  3. It’s not a yes or no question.
    If he is working he should get paid. The fact that he is a public servant doesn’t make him not deserve his salary. If his “boss” the voters don’t like the job he is doing fire him at the polls next election.

    But he should definitely not be getting a raise when the State is right on cash like they are through this covid hoax.

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