With no end of the Covid-19 lockdown in sight, many have been wondering what the Summer will bring.
As of now, schools will not be reopening before May 15, but the lockdown could obviously be extended.
Should schools reopen before the Summer, do you think camps should be nixed for schools to continue sessions throughout the summer?
Ask parents or children?
Our children are going through so much right now. Now more than ever they need the break that camp offers!
how stupid! that’s like eating ice cream for desert after eating cheese cake for breakfast! it can have a long time impact on the kid of “pustkeit’ and no effort on growing in learning etc.and besides, all the missing learning how will we repay….
Kids need a real way to let off steam after all of this. Not to sit in school.
I think that there should be a pshara of half school and half camp
if it gets lifted in may then full school in june and camp in august
what happens in july?
Even though kids are “off” from school now, it is NOT a vacation.
They are cooped up & need to let off energy.
Plus it’s not a snow storm, it’s a stressful situation even if everyone at home is healthy & calm.
School until Sept will leave no one refreshed.
Even though the teachers are teaching less they are still prepping & trying to motivate their students.
They too need a few weeks to recharge.
It will also not help the economy by closing camps many businesses (& the camps) rely on the summer income.
How can kids go through those warm glorious months indoors again?!
Think swimming…
what’s about the economy of the parents….
I think a mix between the two would be best, obviously kids need a break before the start of the upcoming school year, so maybe half and half?
Take a poll??
This is a health department matter. And no schools and camps should both remain closed
I think you missed the boat.
I dont think you should talk like that to another jew, I think Shifra should apologize.
IMHO, half the summer of school and the other half for camp would be ideal!
I think we should have camp but this whole situation got alot of us thinking… and camps should tone down all the expensive stuff and charge half price !!!
Absolutely camp! Not easy for the kids now. Camp would do wonders.
@Susan it’s pretty clear that the poll is asking IF the lockdown is lifted, and there are no restrictions, should school take the place of summer camp or not. Simple as that. Nothing more nothing less.
Camp, of course.
Kids are traumatized by everything going on.
For their sanity, they need a serious break to recharge emotionally.
I work in a day camp and absolutely rely on the parnassah as do all the owners, directors and staff. There would be a major parnassah crisis if camps had to close. And that would carry over to the ability to pay tuition the coming year…….
I would love camp I will just have a very hard time paying for it as the whole economy is dead now.
yea i ttly get that and feel for u but why would it be dif if u were paying tuiton in the summer months?
It’s been a stressful time. The kids need to relax and refresh.
They will have plenty of time to learn the next year.
Schools should provide 2 hours of learning in the morning, the rest of the day is camp activities. Its not function able for kids to be sitting at a desk indoors all day during the summer months after all this.
Let camps open on time and school begin the Monday after camp is over.
you sound like the liberal’s/democrat’s begging for votes….
Camp is more important then school !
But the real question is do we have the $ now to pay for camps ??
How will we pay tuition for school? school in the summer will cost money as will camp. Camp you get more value! I voted for camp. No way will school work out for the children. Days Camps boost our children for all year.
it doesnt make A DIFFERENCE BECAUSE who ever is going to sleepaway they ALREADY PAID FOR IT
I have been working in camp my entire life practically. If the camps had to close THIS YEAR, many of them would have to fold and would find it very difficult to open even NEXT YEAR. We certainly do not want to sacrifice the camps’ future, and the parnasa that comes along with it, for all camp personnel and the summer businesses associated with it.
Thank you Lakewood Scoop for posting this poll, Aa camp director/owner it’s great to read all these ideas, writing them down & will do the best to accommodate!
Davening that all should have refuos & we should all join together in the greatest camp with all of klal Yosroel in Yerushalaim this summer!
Miriam Ifrah
Schools should provide day camp (with some extra learning) to save parents budgets from camp fees, and properly earn the full year of tuition we’re still expected to pay despite hardship, (so those teacher salaries are met).
Camp is essential. However I’m seeing a lot of parents not focusing on educating their kids now…if you do use the internet, there r many safe, educational games & learning sites that can be utilized now!! Do it! Let the kids learn while having fun at home and then yes, we def need a fun summer after this!
Absolutely not! This thing will never go away – too many people are not taking it seriously all over the state. Even if they did open camps, my child will not be attending. It will still be too dangerous.
nebach on ur kids… think abt how hard it is for them now when they know their friends are home too but if their friends are all in camp how are they gonna take staying home?? i would assume if it legal to open a camp it will be with normal health guidelines, no??
Great question! I feel that if school can start in beginning of June then it should go straight till the last day of June then have a regular summer with 2 months. And no 2 week break after the summer. Start with the first day of sept to start the year.
How about the parents who have to shell out 12-15k for camp, after their parnassah took a hit.
There’s never a need for girls to have 10 weeks of vacation. Vacation is extremely important but 4 weeks is perfect
I run a MESIFTA, and i had this discussion with a big MECHANECH.
I said the BOCHORIM lost out so much in learning, maybe we should cancel the summer, and when the Yeshivas open IYH soon we should learn straight till SUCCOS.
He responded, that this year is the most important year for the BOCHORIM to have camp and let them self out, after all the trauma that they went through.
I personally totally agree with him.
I just have 1 problem.
Unfortunately there are so many families that lost their PARNOSAH, how in the world will they pay for camp????
Don’t forget about the teachers! We sign a contract for a certain months. We don’t work in the summer for a reason. Ex. Other side jobs ect.
So if its tit for tat, please don’t take a full salary now. You only deserve the amount you are actually working…
What kids gain in camp is immeasurable! As an educator for over 20 years and someone who has been in camp for nearly 40, I can unequivocally state that positive summer experiences contribute to the WHOLE child on a myriad of levels- social, emotional, physical, and even academically! NOW more then ever our children can benefit from a wholesome summer experience. Hands down, if restrictions are lifted and it is safe to do so, camps should
open. Students will be happier, healthier and generally MORE PREPARED FOR SCHOOL SUCCESS come September if they go to camp!
Kids should stay home.
Parents should have camp
If schools open in June, they should run through the end of July and summer break for boys and girls will be just 6 weeks instead of 10 weeks. I do feel bad for those who make a parnassah in the summer, but everyone has taken a hit. The kids need to catch up on learning and most def do not need 10 weeks off!
School for kids!
Camp for parents!
Win win
For all you teachers, go on unemployment!! These days you would probably make more than your current salaries!
Just keep in mind that if they are in School straight through next year will be very looooooong besides the benefits that everyone gets from being in camp especially sleep away camp as for price tuition ain’t that much cheaper than day camp and sleep away camps will probably be willing to work with you
How are we suppose to pay in full for camp? I think especially playgroup morahs that are not busy with online classes /conferencing can’t charge full tuition for these months. Everybody has to compromise in these trying circumstances,
I work both in a school and in a camp. So this corona has affected both of my jobs. I feel that camp is an essential. Camp the way it’s meant to be- fun, games, and just a relaxed atmosphere. Which is something they do not all get in school. I think camp can be shorter than 2 months but to take away camp in general would not be beneficial to the kids, teachers (who are working very hard now) and to the many people whose parnasa is in the camp field. The camp price will be reduced which means that,the program and standards will also automatically be reduced. Now is the time to,bring camp back to the way it’s meant to be.
Thank you.
Forever camp cc
Not sure how families are paying for camp even if they reopen.
I’m hoping that the virus changes people’s outlooks. After months of quarantine, I’m sure the kids would be just as happy with the simple camp that parents have begged for. This could be the chance to go away with the over the top camps and get back to basics. I’m sure some parents feel their kids “deserve” an overpriced camp after this crazy season. But why not use the opportunity to end the gashmius the kids are expecting?
if there is no vaccine for this horrible disease by the summer, I can’t see how camps can open as camp is the anthisis of social distancing.
Just a thought- maybe the boys and girls schools can coordinate opening and closing dates for this summer and next fall. It would be a huge help to have all children on the same schedule so we (the parents) do not have so many missed days and weeks of work. It is very challenging to spend so much money on camp and then still have those in between weeks where we need to try and figure out how to entertain the children and keep our jobs.
Kids need to get back to normal. Normal is camp during the summer.
camp. Have camp add an extra hour of learning time as a zechus for klal Yisrael. kids need camp. You can’t make up the lost school time by forcing kids to go back to school. Kids have been learning at home and it has not been a total waste. I would recommend to start camps early this year and let the kids enjoy. They have gone thru so much. Rosh Chodesh elul is early this year. Start camps early and start the school year before elul in August and not after labor day
similar to the above comments there should be NO days between camp and school and school to camp!! no need. and lets get the boys and girls onto the same schedule.
I think everyone here is missing the point to the poll. it’s not asking if you want to get rid of her kids for an entire summer Or shoukd they go and have fun obviously everyone’s going to vote for that but I think the poll is asking is is it responsible even if you get government clearance , for our communities to send a Kids a way to sleep away camp where they will be mingling and living with kids from all over in different communities is it worth the risk? Will it CV put us back where we were b4pesach time
Thank you for saying it. With what’s going on, it’s a tremendous risk. Everyone is going through this, most people are having an income issues. But all that aside, it’s putting 20-30 kids together in a bunk, if anyone has been to camp they know social distancing is far from possible.
I think camp it very important as some kids who have a hard time in school camp gives them the time to shine. That being said everyone across the board has had some type of cut in there pay. Whether they had a reduction in pay, hours, or like myself I lost my whole income. We are all struggle and need to do whats in the best interest of all parties involved not just the campers.
I pay deposit for camp but I don’t know if I will send my kids cus parenasha what to do ?
Don’t take away camp.
For some kids particularly those who are facing challenged during the school year it is sorely needed.
The time before and after camp is not as important . School can continue for most of those days.
Maybe someone should open a “learning day camp” for those who would it would be good for
Some people say yes and some people say no, some say maybe and some say forsure. Some say it’s up to the camp owners and some say it’s up to the yeshivas. Some say it’s up to the parents and some say it’s up to the children. Some say we’ll take a poll and some say who cares.
If indeed we will be open enough to allow for camp or school by summer, I
m wondering if perhaps there can be a more toned down version of camp. After everything the kids have been through, no friends, school, playdates, etc. just going to camp every day will be incredible – the singing, friends, games, sports, etc. They won’t necessarily need the major trips, shows, extravegant giveaways, etc.
This could help in a number of ways:
1. lower the costs for the camp, so they can pass on savings to struggling parents without struggling themselves
2. Use extra time in the day for extra learning – in a fun, exciting, engaging way – to make up for some of the lack.
3. Anyway many of the usual exciting things might not be available – amusement parks, will they be open? And even if they are, maybe safer to not go off grounds to limit spread, etc. Manufacturing and shipping delays might mean stuff not getting there on time, etc.
Obviously these are just my personal thoughts and I don’t know so much about the ins and outs of running camps to know if they even make sense, but what I do know is that all of our local camp directors are the most creative, smart, dedicated, caring people in the world and if anyone can figure out a way to make camp work in the best possible way for our children in these crazy times, it’s them!
As well as the heads of our schools being so incredibly devoted, ibbergigeben, wise and compassionate, that they will also make their decisions, if there are decisions to make, with our children forefront on their minds.
Either way, I wish them hatzlachah as the rest of us laymen sit back and wait to see what will happen.
a summer camp scedule through the school, would be the best option.
School until the end of june, (depending when they reopen) then half day school and half day camp by the schools until tisha b’av.
between tisha b’av and rosh chodesh there should be optional school/daycamp for boys.
Then start the school year Rosh Chodesh Elul/Aug20.
This way the school can continue to monitor and keep up the chinuch, the kids get their break, and we can get a good startup for the next year.
This should also save many people lots of money.
i am sure that many recreational options will still be limited. those who need a major break should be given the option to do so.
The Governor might you can have camp but kids won’t be allowed on buses or it might not be camps at all.what ever he says..Good luck!
even if camps open must amusment parks וכדומה will be closed so the price should be cheaper
My 6th grade daughter wants to have school over the summer not camp. She feels like she has missed so much. Why can’t all the schools boys and girls have learning in the morning and activities in the afternoon, similar to what the boys do every year. Put the extra money into the schools and hirer a camp director for the afternoon.