Poll: How would you rate Lakewood Township’s snow cleanup?

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  1. Disappointed with the township. With the long wait and time it took them until streets were plowed when the township knows which streets are private township streets that’s their responsibility to plow versus county and state roads going through Lakewood that the state and county plows. But that’s no excuse to wait so long to plow the town’s private streets

  2. Considering we get MAYBE one snow fall a year, it was terrible!
    It has nothing to do with not being “happy”.
    It has to do with the fact that some of us had to get to work on time including carpooling our kids thru already congested streets.
    Some side streets (you gotta drive on some eventually) became 1 lane causing terrible pile ups.
    What am I missing with the good job?
    Only main streets were clear & that was helped by people driving on it too.

    • I totally agree with you! If they had tons of equipment ready, where were they? After I called a few times, they finally came yesterday to plow for the first time!!

  3. @Stuck in the snow
    You’re argument that we “get MAYBE one snowfall a year” is counter to what you are trying to say. Do you think the township should use our tax dollars and invest in more resources (i.e. trucks/plows) when we have “maybe one snowfall a year”? You have “maybe” one snow fall a year, deal with it for a couple of days.
    It’s not like they weren’t working very hard. They were up through the night plowing our streets and did the best job they can with the resources they have.

  4. My street was plowed fairly regularly throughout the storm, but it would have been nice if they got closer to the curb than four feet. I cleaned the end of my driveway as well as a few of my neighbors so that they could clearly see the curb line. It would have been easy just to move over just a bit. These were private contractors, not township workers. Before you ask, yes I have plowed snow in the past and know what it entails.

  5. Because of the very few snow storms a year (last few years were relatively none) we should get rid of all the big equipment that is expensive to maintain, and give the job to private contractors. A well coordinated effort can have many private 4x4s out there simultaneously, and quickly clean up the town. 4x4s move faster than big rigs (which BTW always break down!!)

    Best way to save our tax dollars, and deliver township services.

  6. After spending my past 2 minter seasons in VT, I have realized Lakewood’s plow operators have zero idea how to perform this task. An example is just common sense like lifting the plow at a intersection as to not leave a tall berm in the middle of the road. That is if the plow was even down. as someone above mentioned, my road to was effectively plowed into a one lane road as only a singular lane was cleared. Everyone on my block parked in our driveways to keep the road clear. The plows did not even come within 4ft of the curb. Worst job performance I have yet to see. #yourfired

  7. That’s what happens when you hired over 100 private contractors and then there’s no accountability. It’s basically free money on their pockets cause they don’t open the streets curb to curb, DPW has to go the next day and do it cause management won’t call them back after they are gone. So yes keep blaming DPW but be happy with the contractors that are making a ton of money for not doing what they’re supposed to do.

    • Ultimately who does the responsibility fall on? If the township bought a leaf blower and it is defective, will I be frustrated with the leaf blower Manufacturer? No I will be frustrated with the incompetent purchase and waste of tax dollars for a product that doesn’t work.

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