Poll: Do You Plan on Going to Vote Tuesday, Erev Shavuos?
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No way. Who has time for that erev Yom Tov?
Wow, and then people want to complain. Come on people, I know it’s erev Yontif, but really , it only takes a few minutes.
I stopped voting because I feel the the people who have run and currently serve do not represent the average person in town who struggles to make ends meet. They represent other interests.
Of course, after this years tax increase I’m going to vote out the incumbents so I can keep the few shekels I still have to spend on future yomtovim
Nope I not voting no time
If there is a candidate who is for the interest of the people, and not in it for other interests and organizations then I’ll go out even Erev yom Tov. I am hardly able to make my tax payments and kids yishiva tiouitions and pay for food. I work two jobs. Is there anyone running that can really lower the taxes on “middle class” family’s?
I and my eligible household will vote
gonna try.gotta send a message to those in office that they are screwing up totally. hope they all get knocked out and wet get fresh faces with fresh ideas truer to the will of the people in town
Hope to go. And drag Hubby along. Gotta vote out the incumbents. Like a previous poster said, they’re really not representing the middle, working or learning class.
I think my family will appreciate more that they should have some food over Yom Tov rather than my going to run to vote in a primary election. Sometimes the voting days are just not appropriate…This being one of them.
why bother ? more than half the candidates are unopposed & the others no one knows the opposition
I’m voting against Langert
With the new tax bill staring at me and my wallet, how can I not go out and vote. If we don’t vote then we are sending a clear message that we dont care and the tax increases will just keep on coming. I can’t imaging that between 6am and 8pm you can’t find a little time to voice your opinion at the polls.
Why bother? I favor Mike D’Elia, have known him for years. Even the VAAD approves. But what difference will it make. Lakewood is (moderated). Nothing can save it.
WOW! Over 400 people don’t have the will or time to go vote, yet they have time to peruse and vote on The Lakewood Scoop. Rav Moshe held it is incumbent on ALL of us to vote. I am reminded what Rabbi Schenkelefsky had told a group of appreciative recipients of his chessed many years ago when they asked him how they can repay his kindness, he said “Remember to vote at the next election” Eventhough I will not be voting for the candidates he endorsed (I am voting for SCHWARTZ AND D’ELIA) I still quote his wise words. Not Voting Is Voting For Apathy! And apathy got us in the mess we are in now!