Poll: Do you blame President Trump for the Capitol riot?

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  1. Trump definitely insides this riot and should be held responsible for the destruction and deaths of our nations capital!
    He is a very sick man and should not be allowed to stay in office
    He is dangerous for the safety of all Americans
    He must be removed immediately!
    25th amendment needs to be enacted now!

      • Hey Roger; I think Susan is suffering from reality.
        Perhaps you can use a dose-
        Trump is an awful person and only cares about himself.
        He has used to Presidency to benefit himself, his family and friends.
        He mishandled the Pandemic and deaths of over 365,00 Americans are on his hands.
        And finally-Trump LOST

          • Even if the election was stolen that is no excuse to cause riots. You die-hard trump supporters need to come out of your bubble and face the fact that Sean and Susan are right and trump has abosutely lost his mind

  2. Cipolloni the white lawyer told white employees to not do what Trump asks them to do and to sty away from him because they might be charged with treason. Yep Trump, Hawley, guiliani and michael Flynn all responsible.

  3. Do we blame the all the Democrats for the upheaval, the rioting, the looting and the burning of our cities over the past couple years? Or do we sit here and say no it was only a few of them It’s not the entire group, like they’re telling you As far as they are concerned.

    The bottom line is there was nothing in President Trump’s speech saying go to the capital and rip it to shreds. Furthermore it’s becoming more and more evident that there were people at the capitol, we’ll call them ring leaders for lack of better terms who were the rabble rousers, and there’s a lot of recently released video of police officers waving people on into the capital. Something happened that should not have happened.

    We don’t like violence. We want peace. It’s better for us. It’s better for the country. The Democrat party right now is busy fanning the fires. And they still can’t get through their minds that there’s approximately 100,000 people out there, based on polls, who believe their lying eyes and know exactly what they saw.If the Democrats were smart, which they obviously are not, they would simply shut up and let the next two weeks run out.

  4. WSJ editorial board disagrees with you polls results. They call for him to resign. Tucker carlson also no longer Trump supporter. I don’t think they are socialist.

  5. Trump did not anticipate the protesters would force themselves into the capitol building, so of course I do not blame him for the violence. I do, however, blame the Bidens of the world for not coming out strongly against the rioters who burn down businesses, and for waiting until it’s politically inexpedient for them to remain quiet to finally speak up a little about such violence. Even the so-called “peaceful” protests that the left praises are not really peaceful. These so-called peaceful protests amount to protesters blocking traffic, laying themselves on the streets in front of traffic etc., and the Left call THIS “peaceful” protests. In truth, every time there are so-called peaceful protests in the wake of a police shooting, there are subsequent violent protests where stores are burned down and looted. Perhaps the Liberal politicians should stop encouraging the so-called peaceful protests in order to prevent the subsequent violent protests and the looting etc. Trump, on the other hand, did not know yesterday’s protest would turn violent. In fact, conservative protests are typically peaceful as can be, to the point where there’s almost a picnic-like atmosphere at these protests. Ultimately, the Libs are wielding yesterday’s violence as a political tool against Trump. That’s their M.O.
    4 years of Biden, and the country will be disgusted with him, and will elect another conservative as President.

  6. Wow, seems that a lot of people have their head in the sand. It’s almost as most of Lakewood worship Trump as if he’s the second Messiah. Pathetic.

    • We do not worship man, we only worship G-D. But whether you agree with Trump or not on the election results, he did not call upon people to storm the Capitol building. And he never anticipated that a storming of the Capitol building would take place. The Libs are doing what they do best: Trying to take down their opponents with false allegations. Where are the Libs when stores are being looted, and businesses are being burned down? How come there is no strong reaction from them when that happens? They encourage these so-called “peaceful” protests where people lay in the middle of the streets, blocking traffic and intimidating motorists – and then, when the so-called “peaceful” protests are followed up with extremely violent protests, in which people’s livelihoods go up in flames, the progressives barely open their mouths. We worship only the one and only G-D, and, unlike Obama and Biden, we also don’t worship Khamenei, and cut deals with the Devil. This Biden fellow has taken a lot of campaign cash over the years from pro Iranian regime lobbyists. He told staffers shortly after the 9/11 attacks, “Seems to me this would be a good time to send, no strings attached, a check for $200 million to Iran.” We don’t worship man, we just tell the simple truth.

  7. You’re the one with your head up your you know what!! Trump supporters have NEVER EVER been violent!! Who accosts people in restaurants? Who are encouraged by “Auntie Maxine” and filthbag Eric Holder to violence? Who “visits” their opponents homes in middle of the night to instill fear in their opponents and their families?Who’s been looting and burning our cities down for last many months? President Trump told his followers to “exercise their right” to “protest peacefully”. Antifa and BLM who are the left’s gestapo secretly embedded themselves among the lawful protesters , committing their violence in order to create the current anti Trump narrative! That’s the G-d honest truth and anything said differently is the lies of the filthy lying left and their accomplices! They’re petrified of Trump roaring back in 2024 so they want to throw him out now so he can’t run again!!

    • How sad to read these words. The paucity of intelligent logic is frightening. The blind belief in “Trump supporters have NEVER EVER been violent” is shameful.
      It seems that your mind is made up before the facts.

  8. The scariest part of this is the close up footage of the rioters. There is a man with a sweatshirt that reads “Camp Auschwitz “. I’m shocked that anyone posting on the Lakewood scoop of all places would stand behind or justify the actions of these lunatics. Again, the man’s gear labeled “Camp Auschwitz “, as in extreme antisemite. It’s really scary. I’m not sure if everyone in the Orthodox community is aware.

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