Poll: Are you pleased with the job Biden is doing so far?

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What has he done?
His one hand is unaware of what the other one is doing, and neither is connected with the head.
Thus far, he only accomplishments have been gathering a group of mostly minority women, with a sprinkling of unidentifiable-by-gender individuals, none of whom has done anything remarkable, yet.
The only verifiable action by President Biden has been bringing his two dogs into the executive mansion.
Am I satisfied with that last accomplishment, or not? I am unsure.
Marc, bringing his 2 dogs into the Executive Mansion is a good thing; it confirms he is attacking the nation’s problems with dogged determination; that’s a positive, not a negative.
Personally, I think Biden should be given the Nobel Peace Price right now based on his pledge to bring unity to the nation. But unfortunately I am certain Trump supporters will insist Biden shouldn’t get the prize until the nation is assured that his dogs are living in harmony with one another. Sadly, that kind of attitude is so typical among Trump supporters.
Has Biden even done anything??
@??? @ Mark.
I am really surprised that you don’t know what he has done so far.
So let me educate you.
He has canceled the key stone pipe line deal. Now to this great decision, 1000 of more Americans will be out of a job!!
He got the Canadians all upset because of canceling the key stone pipe line!!!
He took of the travel ban, so now any terrorists can come into the country!!!
I mean there is a lot more that he did, but I think those are great enough accomplishments, that he can go to sleep for the next four year’s.
He has done more in 6 days that Trump did in 4 years and his ratings are higher than Trump ever had.
You’re right! He’s done more… he’s done more damage in in his 6 days in office..
The poor guy doesn’t know what’s happening. Every time he speaks everyone around is hoping he gets to finish his sentence. This country is a laughing stock around the world that all we can elect is someone who’s best years are way past him and doesn’t know that he’s running a country…. its so sad!
What job would that be? Put 11,000 union members out of work, allowing caravans of people come across the southern border without being checked for COVID-19, shutting down oil production and making us oil dependent to countries that hate us, then I guess he is doing ok
He has signed an executive order allowing anyone who “identifies” as a female to use the same restroom or locker room as those who were created female. And yes Anonymous, that is why he has higher ratings than Trump ever had. Because in this dor hamabul in which we live the more wacky left you are and the more cancel culture you are, the higher your ratings will go. We need a lot of rachamei Shomayim.
The canadian oil is getting to mexico today without the pipeline.It is providing tens of thousands of jobs in the trucking, food, and hospitality industry. The pipeline is a net job loser.
Biden’s transgender EO only covered lifting the ban from serving in the military and preventing discrimination. Nothing to do with the bathroom.
Sorry, cool masmid, the US was a laughing stock the past 4 years. Even rocket man sent him packing. The UN laughed in his face. Now our EU and NATO alliances are back on track.
Biden is in full control and has a great administration .
Plus as an added benefit he won’t support an insurrection against the US.
so you excuse the “transgender EO” as “only effecting military service and preventing discrimination”.
You moron. The discrimination, according to “theys” is happening IN BATHROOMS, such as Target stores who have removed the assignment of gender to bathrooms in many areas.
And lets say your right, that its only for whatever limited circumstances you cite. IS THAT NOT LUNATIC? moron.
WHo cares about potential jobs he created (in this instance), he literally tore up millions of jobs ???!!?!
i think we should let him know that he has four years and doesnt have to ruin america in two weeks.
trump will be missed by all
The discrimination is happening in not being allowed military service and being fired from employment.
Jews should be in favor of not allowing companies to discriminate against people. Unless you don’t mind them firing employees who are shomer shabbos and leave early on Friday in the winter.
How lunatic does that sound?
Which million jobs did he tear up?
The pipeline was not providing a million jobs. He save thousands of jobs that would have been lost due to the pipeline.
What job?
Biden is going in a most dangerous direction, trying to engage Iran rather than isolate them as Trump had. The PA is also feeling empowered again, while Trump had started a process of isolating them with the Abraham Accords and a few more that were in the works. What the process had done was demonstrate that peace and stability in the Middle East is not a factor of or dependent on the establishment of a Palestinian State. Biden’s lipservice that he’s planning on continuing the Abraham Accords process doesn’t seem credible given that he is dedicate to emboldening Iran and the PA.
Posters, please don’t namecall others even if you don’t agree with their opinions. While I greatly appreciate what Trump did for Israel, he is a very poor example of refined speech. Rather follow the Torah dictum of דברי חכמים בנחת נשמעים