Police: Pedestrian Struck and Killed in Lakewood was Crossing Cedarbridge Ave; No Charges Filed

fatal cedarbridgePolice confirm that the pedestrian struck and killed last night in Lakewood was attempting to cross Cedarbridge Avenue. ‎

Police released the following information this afternoon. The victim’s name has not yet been released.

On December 26th at approximately 6:40 pm Officers responded to the area of Cedarbridge Avenue and Ashley Avenue after receiving the report of a pedestrian struck by a car.

Upon arrival, the officers learned that a 68 year old Lakewood man was struck by a 2013 GMC Yukon, operated by a 55 year old Freehold woman, as he was attempting to cross Cedarbridge Avenue.

The victim sustained serious head injuries, as well as serious internal injuries and was transported by Monoc Paramedics to Monmouth Medical Center Southern Campus where he later subcummed to his injuries.

The accident is under investigation by the Lakewood Police Department Traffic Safety Unit, The Ocean County Prosecutors Officer and The Ocean County Sheriffs Department CSI Unit. At this time, no charges have been lodged against the operator of the GMC Yukon.

Anyone with information is asked to contact Sgt. William Butteworth at 732-363-0200 ext. 5385. ‎


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  1. I drive there all the time and have had some near misses as its dark and some people just prance across the road with disregard , almost like taunting ” come hit me “

  2. Please be extra careful when driving and when walking at night. I was recently hit by a car and it is very serious. Please take extra care so we don’t have to have more tragedies. Thank you

  3. Crossers fail to realize the law states crosswalks are where they need to be legally yielded to and just walk in to the driving lane. Basically jwalking. Never mind the fact drivers don’t give enough attention to driving no matter what the area conditions are.

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