PHOTO: About a dozen families in need will have a full Thanksgiving meal this year, thanks to generosity of the Lakewood PBA. Despite the rain, 5 police officers packed up a van and made their rounds. The meals include turkey, gravy, bread, corn, peanut butter and jelly for the kids and other food items for the Holiday.
The officers volunteering their time, were PBA Delegate Steve Kelusak, Alex Guzman, Sean Ward, Mike Anderson and Jason Peterson.
This past Friday, the PBA held a Coat Drive for the needy, distributing hundreds of coats and other clothing items for needy families. TLS.
Great job pba
Great job Lakewood PBA!!!! All that dedication even in this horrible rain 🙂
always thinking of others 🙂
Thanks and Happy holiday
G-D BLESS THEM happy thanksgiving to all
They should have also given out the leftover pumpkin pies from mr. inzelbuch
lol #5 lol
Now that’s what we call Heroes!!
Tomchei Turkey
These cops are “The Best” here in Lakewood. Officer Guzman is always doing these great thinsg for less fortunate people. God Bless them all & a great holiday to all.
That is very nice of them. Happy holiday to all of them!!!
The ideas the Township and the state have gotten from our community is great. It shows we have a positive influence on the Town we have Tomche shaboos, coat gemachs, I saw in shop rite the state hunger cards just like we have for Tomche shabbos, amazing keep it up!!
It’s nice 2 c the P B A come through again like always….
Will they deliver cholent when we have a holiday and someone is hungry, just asking?
Thank you guys for all that you do, happy holidays!!!
i am amazed you would even write that. please dont take credit for what the LPD is doing- they have been donating clothes, food & toys for years now.
Sean Ward for President!!
Why was my comment deleted when I said the police have been helping for years,this is nothing new.It not something the community started, it has been going on for at least 35years,as long as I can remember.
My comment was heavily moderated for saying something along those same lines