Police: Man Arrested selling Drugs in Raintree

lpd street crimes tlsLakewood police arrested a man selling drugs in the Raintree area, police said this afternoon.

On March 10 at approximately 7pm, Detectives from the Lakewood Police Department Street Crimes Unit observed what they believed to be a man distributing illegal narcotics from his 2001 black Mercedes Benz, Dsgt. Greg Staffordsmith says.

Further investigation resulted in the arrest of 21 year old John Moncada of Toms River. Detectives located approximately 250 decks of suspected heroin and a quantity of cocaine, crack cocaine and prescription medication.

He was subsequently charged with Possession with Intent to Distribute Heroin, Possession of Cocaine, Crack Cocaine and the Prescription Pills. Bail was set in the amount of $25,000 no 10%.

In addition, they seized approximately $650 from him and his vehicle.


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  1. Law enforcement:
    Please make your next target the dealers in New England Village. The deals take place I. The area of Powderhorn and Hearth Court. Shabbos is their busy day.
    Stop them soon or someone will get hurt because I’m this close to calling them out and getting the the local citizens to stand there and make it uncomfortable for the buyers so that the dealers will seek another venue.

  2. What about Coventry? We’ve been telling the police about the Shabbos Business there for years and they have yet to arrest anyone. Oops, we just missed them works only so many times.

  3. To barry e. You are so right. The situation in the villiage is out of control. Its really at a point where the whole neighborhood needs to get involved to put an end to this activity.The lowest elements of society are constantly around our neighborhood and around our kids to buy and sell drugs. We need to have meetings with the police and demand that they start enforcing the law and not tip toe around the drug dealers. Start arresting the customers and you’ll see how fast ther sellers will take thier business elsewhere.

  4. Al,
    The next time some random car stops near Powderhorn and Hearth start hanging around near him, get some guys to park their cars in front of and behind him. They’ll start feeling uncomfortable and stop coming back.

  5. You know there are only so many police out there and with the amount of accidents and other “details” you need them to cover there is not many left. The Police actively patrol when they can, but you can not be everywhere all the time and with all the training they have to be current on there is never enough time in the day. They do what they can as quick as they can, that is why you have a Street Crimes Unit that are out there.

  6. @al& Barry E- blocking some dealers in with a car or anything confrontational could be deadly, for some even in area. If your mistaken that can also lead to charges of unlawful detainment, kidnapping, etc.

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