Police Investigating Road rage Incident and Assault Caught on Video in Lakewood [VIDEO]

A road rage incident and assault in Lakewood was caught on video today.

According to a witness, the driver in the blue car (driver A) was involved in a road rage incident with another driver (driver B). At some point, driver B got out of his vehicle to scream at driver A.

When driver A rolled down his window, driver B allegedly grabbed his phone away from him. At that point, driver A got out of his vehicle and demanded his phone back.

During the screaming match, driver B can be seen assaulting driver A, and then leave the scene. Driver A’s phone was located on the street – apparently thrown away by driver B.

Hatzolah responded to the scene and treated driver A.

An investigation is underway.

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  1. I think we need to be a little bit extra careful and maybe practice defensive driving. By the way, you can take that course of defensive driving through AARP and you don’t have to be 55 years old. They charge peanuts for that course.
    Rabbi Yaakov Kamenetsky (may his memory be blessed) he gave us beautiful advice for the Yidden who live in America. Right now we are in Galus, we hope soon to go to Yerushalaim, in the meanwhile we should behave like a guest. (low key–easy going–peaceful–low pitched–toned down–
    You will not lose even one dime of the Parnassa that Hashem saved for you.

  2. apparently there is a mistake in the narrated story as the fact are contradicting. It was driver B who was first to exit his vehicle. no?

  3. In a nutshell; don’t drive like an amhaaretz and there’ll be no problems. In a road rage incident, as soon as 1 exits his vehicle to confront the offending driver, he’s surrendered his shell of protection.

  4. As reported on TLS last week, a NJ man was stabbed to death in a street fight with a stranger. You never know who you’re up against.

    I wasn’t there and cannot judge, but is it really worth it to come out on top?

    Let the dude get the last word and move on with life.

    • move on with LIFE——–
      You are 100% right.
      In Elizabeth, NJ when that girl took a picture of the other car fleeing, the monster turned around with his car and drove on top of the girl.
      Never ever take a picture of the other driver.

  5. So A exited the vehicle while B was still in the car and then B exited it while A approached and C and D were scratching their heads while E was getting out of dodge.

  6. This is bringing me back to my days growing up in the Bronx in the 1960’sI when people started up with us on the way home from Yeshiva Zichron Moshe and Baruch HaShem the Police walked us home and hit them with nightsticks

  7. 1. why are we using S words here.
    2. hatzolah needs to check out that shove as it may be more serious than it seemed. the video ended short. perhaps he fell to the ground? perhaps the shover fell on top of him?

  8. I am glad no blood was shed in this incident. Given the clear ethnicities of the two participants, I suspect that Mr. Arthur Docks committed some motor vehicle faux pas which Mr. Cushman understood as an offense. I believe that if Mr. Cushman had committed some motor vehicle faux pas, it is highly unlikely that Mr. Arthur Docks would have chased him down as part of a road rage transaction.

    In the video, we see Mr. Cushman shove Mr. Arthur Docks backward. Then we see Mr. Arthur Docks recover and come at Mr. Cushman.

    When there is a stabbing or a shooting in such a scenario, this is when it happens. Right or wrong, Mr. Arthur Docks put himself in danger when he came at Mr. Cushman after the push. We have too many yesomim and almanos already. Shomer pesoi-im Hashem. Don’t provide violent people an excuse to become more violent, Please.

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