PHOTOS: Police investigating over 30 flat tires in Lakewood caused by hundreds of nails

Police are investigating after over 30 tires were found to be flat in one area in Lakewood.

Prospect Street area residents initially believed the tires may have been slashed, but it turned out not to be the case.

Police on scene discovered a large amount of nails in the roadway in the area, which appears to be the cause for all the flats.

Chaveirim is currently cleaning the area using magnetic sweepers and brooms.

Police are trying to determine if the nails were intentionally placed there, or perhaps it just fell from a vehicle.


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  1. I totally understand if it was done on purpose. The town is collapsing and people are fed up with the drivers. People had enough!

    • Please post your name and address so the police can locate and question you for this crime.
      What other crimes against the community have you committed?

  2. Sharp nails and flat tires seem to go hand-in-hand with one another. Similarly, we also find in musical notation that sharp notes and flat notes go hand-in-hand with one another.
    Apparently, sharpness and flatness compliment one another.
    However, we also find the opposite to be true, where a LACK of sharpness can create flatness – like the time a teacher of mine once told me that I’m not the sharpest tool in the shed, and that’s why my thoughts always seem to come out flat.

    I hope they nail the perpetrators, if this was indeed an intentional act.

  3. Yes, thank you chaverim for always being there for the klal, we greatly appreciate your services!
    And I agree with moishe, definitely
    Seems suspicious. We need shmirah

  4. It seems to have been there since Friday afternoon.
    I got a flat over Shabbos.
    And My other car has got a nail today too.
    It seems like it was all cleared up today by our dedicated Chaverim.
    P.S they filled up air in my tire.

  5. If you cant see whats going on you must be blind! Lakewood is public enemy number one! And people from other states have joined this non sence! Its not a jokes or people playing it is serious! Wake up and be prepared for there non sense! These are very dangerous hateful people! This is my opinion! Dont be sheep! Prepare And Bare Arms!

  6. There were a lot more than 30 flat tires.

    I spoke to my friend today, and he told me that him and his extended family drove through that neighborhood today, and they all got flat tires.

    From that family alone, there was about 30 flat tires.

    I think that the township should fix the flats for free.

    My reason is, because it might have been a local tire shop that need some business and put the nails out there.

    This is just my thought.

    Are there any cameras in that area, that the police can figure out how it happened?

  7. I noticed that alot of the tire places and oil change places fill the tires to 38 spi which makes your tires more susceptible to flats, release them air down to 33 a tire. You can buy a gauge in walmart for about a dollar.

  8. The nails have RUST on them; contractors nails would be clean out of the box; these nails an anti-Semite found somewhere and spread them out before the school commute.

    • Attorney for the Prosecution: “Your Honor, I present to you exhibit A, namely, some of the nails found on the road. As you can see, the nails have rust on them. Contractors’ nails would be clean from rust.”

      Defense Attorney: “Objection your Honor. The prosecutorial lawyer is not a contractor, and his testimony on contractors’ nails should be expunged from the record.”

      Prosecutorial Attorney: “Your Honor, I am simply relying on common sense. Contractors don’t use old, rusty nails! The rust on these nails is a clear indication that this was intentional malice.”

      Defense Attorney: “Objection your Honor, the prosecutorial attorney is jumping to conclusions. The nails could have fallen out of a garbage truck by mistake, or maybe Home Depot dumped their old nail supply on to the road.”

      Judge: “Due to my biased nature, I will uphold the defense attorney’s objection. The court is adjourned, and the case is closed. The accused are free to go home and to pour more nails on the roads. But next time, use clean nails; this one was way too obvious. Have a great day… By the way, can someone give me a lift home, for some odd reason, all of my tires are flat.”

  9. I don’t see the rust to say anything becouse that can happen in 5 minutes from a rainy day ,however the fact that they are separated from a roll of nails (as you can see from the little lines on them) means that someone took the time to separate all the nails, so it was definitely done on purpose

    • Excellent observation about the “roll” of nails. The correct reference is “coil” of nails and what you see are not lines but the fine wire that holds the nails in the coil. I don’t think it would take a lot of time to separate them. The wire that holds the coil together is deliberately thin and attached to each nail with only a very light weld or solder process so they break off easily as each nail is fed through the nailer. All you’d have to do is dump a box of them on the ground (concrete or other hard surface) and pound the coils with a hammer to break up the coils pretty well. The question I have is: is it possible that the coils could burst apart from falling off a truck and/or from getting run over by vehicles? Note that they are not all perfectly separated, small clusters are still attached to the wire coil, so it looks somewhat random.

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