Police Chief: Stronger Enforcement in Some Areas Around Town due to Complaints

Chief Lawson TLSSome areas around Lakewood have seen a stronger-than-usual police presence and enforcement, and there’s good reason for it, Police Chief Rob Lawson tells TLS.

One particular area on the west side of town recently began to see extra enforcement, upon the request of neighbors.

“We were receiving complaints from neighbors that drivers were speeding down their road – with children in the area,” the Chief said.

In another area of town, police received numerous complaints from drivers that were ignoring ‘no parking’ signs, and in yet another area police received complaints about drivers parking too close to the intersections – also known as ‘corner huggers’ – making it difficult for motorists to see around the corner.

Some drivers were even parked into the walkway, making it difficult for pedestrians to cross the roads, Lawson said.

In response to the complaints, officers were deployed to the area, but for a period of time were only issuing warning instead of actual summonses, the Chief told TLS.

But the warning period came to an end, for the most part, and police are now issuing real summonses.

One motorist told TLS he received a summons in that particular area for going 10 MPH above the speed limit.

“We can’t allow this type of behavior in town,” the Chief said.

But the response to the enforcement, for the most part, has been positive.

“Neighbors have actually called to thank me because they’ve seen improvement,” says the Chief.



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  1. Thanks Chief. Are the complaints about the drug dealers openly dealing drugs being addressed ? ( particularly in the south side areas?)There are guys that will be selling drugs openly all day , with no fear of the Police. This is a major issue that seems to be ignored.

  2. Wait, wait!! I can save the moderator a lot of time by writing out all the posts that would have been posted. He only has to approve mine and then he can close the comments:

    1. Its anti-Semitism;
    2. Why don’t the cops catch the really bad guys;
    3. Parking in prohibited areas/speeding etc. are not really against the law because (think of any excuse here)

  3. What about people driving with fake insurance and fake tags all those out of state tags and plates are fake people with real insurance watch out!!!!!!

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