Police Chief Rob Lawson: Know Where Your Children And Teens Are During Bein Hazmanim

lawson video purim messageAt approximately 1:30 a.m. this morning, parents were called to pick up their teenage son, and friends, from a local park after being found with a car and no drivers licenses. An Officer patrolling the area noticed the parked car and boys and stopped to questioned them. Earlier today, Hatzolah and Police were called for a search for a few children, ages 3-5, after they went missing from a backyard. The children were found by an Officer walking along Route 9. The children apparently managed to get out of the gate and make their way to the busy road. “It’s important for parents to know where their children are at all times” Police Chief Lawson told TLS. “Aside from the danger from the vehicles, there’s the danger of someone just picking them up” the Chief said. The Chief also stressed, that there is a curfew in place for teens under the age of 16, who must be home after 10:00 p.m., unless accompanied by an adult.

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  1. Not 2 long ago i used 2 drive w/o a license bec my father didn’t let me get 1. until i realized the risk of getting caught without it so i made 1 behind his back. my msg 2 parents: If you know your son is the type to drive without let him get a license. I personaaly know many bochurim being their parents don’t let them get a license drrive without it.

  2. those missing children walking along route 9 could have ended up in the morgue, are these parents being arrested and charged for child neglect?

  3. license לכאורה יש חיוב על כל אב ואם לקח לבניהם
    ואם לאו הו״ל כאילו מלמדו רציחה (כמו שאמר ההגרח קניבסקי שמיקרי רציחה) כמבואר בגמ׳ קדושין כט כאילו מלמדו ליסטיס

  4. abc, what it that comment supposed to mean? R’ Chaim Kanievsky didn’t say that parents have a responsibility to get their kids a license. He said that about the person driving. You sound like you are a little boy who wants a license but are way too immature to have one!

  5. laws………come on people…please
    a police chief having to tell parents to watch their kids…………..
    driving thru the streets in Lakewood………

  6. to amazing: nope, nothing like that ever happens in this community. people wake up! these are children we are talking about! they could’ve get hurt and nobody would take responsability for not knowing where their children are…WAKE UP!!!!!

  7. ‘We’ve had tragedies with toddlers in the past. A child killed in a neighbors driveway when the occupant was backing out. A child killed by a school bus when no adult was there to pick them up. Two children left in their parents cars and cooked to death. You can have many children, but you must keep an eye on each and every one of them at all times.

  8. Parents of a minor caught driving w/o a license could be sued if the child is in an accident. If you refuse to let them get a license, you’;d better be sure they are not driving illegally.

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