Police Chief & OEM Coordinator Rob Lawson: It Could Have Been A Lot Worse

Police Chief Rob Lawson tells TLS as soon as heard the Hurricane shifted our way, he ordered the flood gates of Lake Carasaljo to be opened to avoid flooding. “The flood gates were opened five days prior to the storm”, the Chief says, “We did whatever we could”. Despite the draining however, multiple homes along South Lake Drive were evacuated when waters reached the doorsteps.

“It could have been a lot worse”, Lawson says, as the Lake saw record flooding adding to the already saturated grounds.

The Lake was just a couple feet away of flooding Route 9.

Lawson – who serves as the Coordinator of Lakewood’s OEM – says he was pleased with the overall response to the historic storm, and attributes it to the planning and meetings before the storm.

“I’m very pleased with the response”, says the Chief. “Planning ahead of time paid off”. “We followed the emergency plans”.

Besides for the loss of electricity and the many downed trees, the Chief says, “We dodged a bullet”, when Irene took a turn to the East while making its way up North.

The Chief also thanked Chaveirim, the Lakewood Fire Departments and other organizations he said were a tremendous help to Police during thee storm. TLS.


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  1. Thanks be to you Lord for sparing our Town.

    Thank you LPD Chief Rob Lawson and all of the State, County and Municipal authorities that worked so hard to help insure our safety. Thank yo to all of the volunteers that sacrifice their time to help others. Thank you to all of those that planned the proactive measures taken prior to the storm, the assistance rendered during the storm, and the work to be conducted after the storm.

    For all of this, we are grateful to the Lord

  2. Thank the lord for our dpw who worked over the weekend. The dpw is greatly understated in these matters. They have the unglamourous task of setting up road blocks ,identifing HOT WIRES ,keeping people out of harms way,preventing problems so that police and fire depts can do there jobs more effectively.

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