Last week’s crackdown on drivers using a cellphone while driving, resulted in 44 tickets issued, Sergeant Glenn Clayton tells TLS. Thirty of those summonses says Sgt. Clayton, were for talking on the cellphone while driving. The sting also resulted in three vehicles being impounded for having expired registrations, as well as one arrest for an outstanding warrant, Clayton said.
Police say the crackdown is in an effort to make the roads of Lakewood safer for drivers and pedestrians.
Police are expected to perform another such crackdown one day this week, Police said last week. TLS.
Great job LPD ,keep it up !
When i drive these days i am simply fearful to do what the government wants, since there are police basically where ever you go. Now i know some will say, good you are supposed to drive legally, that is true, but not to the extent that every move one does should be monitored by the government, since that is not the freedom which America stands for, that is more of a Communist way of running a government!
LPD, keep up the great work, but please try to draw the lines and give us some space to breath, thank you!
GREAT WORK! We need this agressive enforcement every day of the week, not just on special “sting” days.
Please go after those who :
1. Speed
2. Don’t come to a complete stop at stop sign
3. Pass on the right shoulder
4. Run red lights
5. Stop in middle of road to pickup hitchhikers
Thank You LPD! Keep up the good work.
about time people get what the deserve, don’t talk on your phone and you won’t get a ticket. great job LPD!!!!!
Cell phone summons save lives!
Probly a lot more out there…go gettum lpd.
I commend the police for job well done. I am on the road a lot and see so many of our community drive reckless and not paying attention to driving and other drivers which could cause accidents. There should be a number we can call and give plate numbers so they can “hang up and drive”.
its about time
i think they should do a cell phone crackdown at least one day a week
that is an amazing idea!! these streets are dangerous. I see people ‘holding’ their cell on speaker – it doesnt make a diff if its by your ear or in your hands!!! stop yapping the phone….drive normally instead!
My neighbor was one of the people who recieved a ticket. I happen to know him very well and know that he is extremely honest. He needed to make an important call, so pulled over to a parking spot and made a call. After he hung up, he started traveling again and put the cell phone from his lap onto the passenger’s seat. A Lakewood police officer spotted him with a cell in his hand. He explained to the officer that he was not on the phone but the officer decided to write a ticket anyways. My point is that not everyone who is “accused” of violating the law is guilty. At the same time, there are many more severe crimes that are ignored.
number 12, the person does not have to be talking on the phone, the phone being in their hand is just like your on the phone. Which is why you get a bigger ticket for texting
Hey Moshe I bet he, your very honest neighbor won’t do that again, and besides, way more people are killed by traffic accidents than the more dangerous crimes.
Now crack down on the illegals
I believe this shows what a wonderfull and law abiding town,lakewoods is. Only 1 person arrested for what sounds like a minor offense! 3 cars impounded! 44 people talking on a cell phone while driving!! While it may be 1 to many. it is such a tiny percent compared to the many drivers on the road and compared to what goes on in surrounding towns. Keep it up Lakewood!!!
may be true….but the chance you take…. if it was an important call then the officer may have taken him to the importance of it….NOT as important as stated then. The difference is important vs. emergency! truth or dare is more like it…….
Fire HQ writes to Moshe “Hey Moshe I bet he, your very honest neighbor won’t do that again”. Moshe writes, “He needed to make an important call, so pulled over to a parking spot and made a call” I am not getting what this guy did wrong???? Is he not supposed to pull over to the side if he needs to make a call???
To all of you jumping at this poor guy, he was simply putting his phone from his lap to the passengers seat. He was not “talking”, “texting” or anything like that. The law states “use” of phone is illegal. What he did was not illegal.
Does anyone know what the law is if someone is an emergency situation?
I couldn’t agree with you more!! You are absolutely correct. This actions wouldn’t be excused in any other town.
if u believe he pulled over made a call then just had the phone in his hand when they stopped him, i have a bridge for sale … cheap too
There is now way he got a ticket for being on the side of the road, in a parking spot for just taking his phone from his lap to the passengers seat. If that is the case then he should take it to court and fight the summons. Bottom line is if you drive with that phone attached to your ear, or run stop signs, or whatever it is to cause you to get pulled over you deserve a summons, now wether you get one or not is up to the officer. If it is click’it or ticket time or something like the other day then it is probably gonna be a zero tolerance type of thing and you will get ticketed. On a “normal” day as long as you don’t argue with the officer and acknoledge the fact that you did something wrong you will probably have a good chance of not getting a summons.
To Wow: I actually also know who this person is, and yes, I do believe him. Believe it or not, there are some honest people out there.
@ #21, you are so right and they are not tolerated in any other town.
@ # 22, TOO FUNNY!!!!!
Can someone explain to me why talking on loudspeaker is different to talking to someone else in the car????
The law concerning registration is very disturbing. It is reminiscent of Soviet Russia combines with a hidden tax. There is no reason why someone should be required by law to pay for registration nor should they have to do it everyyear. Many of the DMV laws are designed to have unnecessary control and make ordinary citizens degraded, feel like common criminals, rob them of their monies. This is the hidden truth behind the beaurocracy called Mvc and everyone knows it.
Texting is dangerous and its laws should b enforced. But registration, GOTTA GO.
#3 you are so right total agreement
number 27,, are you for real ?????
Good Job 210 LPD
People should not talk on cell phones while driving
dont think its sutch a great rule how many acidents bec of it
@ # 27, you sure are. you also probably believe that they should do away with car insurance too.