Planning Board Passes Smart Growth Plan

The planning board last night voted to adopt the Smart Growth plan, with some changes, as reported last night on our News Alerts. The Plan puts additional emphasis on adding many new roads and upgrading intersections, as well as charging developers impact fees to cover these infrastructure upgrades.

After hearing concerns from residents in the Oak Street area, the Planning Board limited the changes proposed for the Oak and Spruce Street areas by reducing the density.

This smart growth plan will allow Lakewood to catch up on the much-needed infrastructure while it also puts aside over 25% of Lakewood as dedicated open-space lands.

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  1. Dedicated open space lands! Now that sounds great. Hope that really happens. Glad to finally see some urban planning. Hope the planning is actually implememted and the builders don’t use their uber influence to change things behind our backs.

  2. This post is hilarious!! Smart growth? Lakewood? Somehow they do not go together. It is waaaay too late for this. No room for anything anymore. Traffic is beyond repair. Oy…

  3. Can you elaborate more on the Oak area changes? Is there official documentation available to the public with the details of the new “smart growth” plan?

  4. My plan to alleviate all traffic in Lakewood is to build an elevated highway along Rt 9 to bypass all of Lakewood. That way, all traffic in Lakewood will be local only.

    I’ve been telling people about my amazing plan for so many years already, but nobody cares. I feel like A. Lang who is always telling everyone his plans and who is always ignored.

  5. yid who is going tp pay for the elevated roadway ? will there be exit and on ramps in town ? who will pay for the property that needs to be used for this plan ?

  6. I moved here 40 years ago partly because my husband was learning in BMG and somewhat because I wanted to get OUT of the City. Now Lakewood is practically a city and the traffic is horrendous. Why do the city people have to move here and then make this town into another city? (I personally did NOT miss the shopping, the stores and restaurants etc. I am not so gashmiusdik. I DO miss the temmusdike and tsniudike people.

  7. This will be the final straw that leads to the dimise of the senior developments. Bottom line, the seniors pay the majority of taxes for services not helpful to our communities.

  8. To number 16. not sure why you would think senior pay the majority of taxes. There are far less senior units then unrestricted housing units. They get taxed at the some rates and their property values are lower then non restricted homes.

    the loss of commercial properties to schools is a far bigger problem with tax revenue. there should be land for schools to build on without taking highly taxed commercial properties off the tax roll

  9. To number one, if you looked at the plan you would not be very excited. It only allows for minor road changes. Most of the plan is actually about increasing zoning density.

    There is nowhere left to build roads that would truly alleviate any problems.

  10. More buildings, more houses = more people did the township take into account to add more Police, E.M.S., Firefighters, Public Works. I bet not but will complain about trash not getting picked up. Snow not getting plowed. Lack of police officers.

  11. that’s it call it a “Smart Growth Plan” and that in itself is a joke ,nothing smart about anything as there really is no plan ,just build on every inch of land that’s left and cut down every tree .WHAT A JOKE !!

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