Multiple pieces of luggage were taken off the Brooklyn-Lakewood bus last night, and left stranded.
As it appears, many passengers arriving at the Squankum Road stop unloaded luggage from the bus in an attempt to locate their luggage, but it seems many pieces were never put back onto the bus.
A resident who went back to the stop to locate a friend’s suitcase, found the pile of suitcases, and began calling the owners – tracking down most of them. Some suitcases, however, were not labeled, so he put them into his vehicle so they shouldn’t get stolen.
If you or someone you know if missing luggage, please email [email protected]
Note: If you remove a piece of luggage which isn’t yours, remember to put it back onto the bus.
On most professional bus companies the driver is required to be the one to open and close the luggage doors which would avoid this problem. I think even Eged drivers are required
Tizku lmitzvos!
Egged drivers are NOT required also there the luggage compartment is automatic