PHOTOS & VIDEO of a Kumzitz Cruise on the Atlantic for the Bachurim of the Mesivta of Eatontown, under the leadership of Reb Sender Kaszirer Shlita, which took place yesterday evening. The Bachurim enjoyed dinner on the boat, followed by a Kumzitz with Divrei Bracha from the Roshei Hayeshiva and Rabbeim. Some of the Talmidim also spoke and thanked the Rosh Hayeshiva and Rabbeim for giving them such a wonderful year at the Yeshiva. The Kumzitz was enhanced with Z’miros from R’ Moishe Brodt, son of Reb Abish Brodt.
Photos & Video: Kumzitz On The Atlantic With Mesivta Of Eatontown And Moishe Brodt
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ahh sucha geshmacke group of boys
the mesivta rox
moshe brodt rox !
wow i am jealous i was not there i am sure it was beautiful. i remember last year’s banquet was really great! i am very much in support of this yeashiva. rebbe if not for you i would never have such a year in israel like this past year! cant wait to see you when i get back! all the best, go mesivta of eatontown!
well did they catch anything???? a herring or mackeral….bluefish….gefilta
I heard the boat was amazing
WOOAA!!wow the mesivta does such great things for the bachurim!back in my days likavod our banquet all we did was play tag in the park and eat pretzles.and what does mesivta of eatontown do?takes the bachurim on an amazing boat ride singing hartzige uplifting zemiros!!i wish i can be in the so jealous,look at the varemkiet between the rabeeim and chusiver talmidey yeshiva!such achdus!this is the true meaning of viuhavta lireacha kamocha! harav kazier-i think u shud open a yeshiva for adults too!!i wud definitley attend!woww!i always look forward to the mesivta of eatontown pics and videos!so inspirational!im sheping so much nachas!!keep it up!!!..signed-burich (aka BOBO)shawrtz!!