PHOTOS & VIDEO: This afternoon, friends and family gathered at the home of Deputy Mayor and U.S. Air Force Chaplain Menashe Miller to wish him farewell as he heads to Iraq for a 6 week deployment. A large escort of over a dozen official vehicles – led by Police Chief Rob Lawson – escorted Menashe and his family in a stretched limo to the Lakewood-Jackson border where he switched vehicles and headed to the BWI (Baltimore Washington International Airport).
“I always felt this is the way to give back to the country”, Chaplain Miller tells TLS. “United States has been the first country in many many years to actually allow religious freedom and practice our beliefs”, he said. “And for that, that is my way of giving back to the country”.
Several officials attended the exclusive event including Committeeman Ray Coles, Committeeman Meir Lichtenstein, Avraham Moishe Muller, Lieutenant Greg Meyer, John Franklin and several others.
Prior to departing from the Lakewood-Jackson border, an off-duty Jackson police officer, seeing Miller if full uniform, got out of his vehicle to wish him good luck and to thank him for his service to the country.
Was the lcsw there?
Nice limo!!! Who paid for it the twp? The lpd? or the military?
Can i get the credit for the correction please.
To #3. Thank you for the correction.
God’s Speed to you Menashe!!! May you be safe from harm and return safely to the arms of your loving family
He wasn’t in army uniform… he was in Air Force uniform… It is deeply insulting to mix up the uniforms…
SSG AtTIAS,Dorit from DPW going to Iraq for 400+ days
in Jan , all the best To Menashe ,and Dorit.
Why is Menashe Miller any more deserving of praise than Rabbi Nerdugo or other chaplains in Lakewood who have gone off to Iraq or Afghanistan. All these men deserve equal credit.
TLS, please put the question mark by my first sentence if you post it
private funds paid for the limo… I see that wasn’t one of your choices.
The entire send off was put together by his close friends as a surprise farewell. We all know what Menash does for the entire community and a little thank you is apropriate especialy at a time like this.
May God Bless him. He is a good man. Come home soon
I had tears coming down watching
Menashe going abroad. Menashe we hope to see you back shortly safe and sound.
To#1 I believe Moshe Heinamen of the LCSW was in the procession.
To #2 & #8,
The limo was free. And is owned by Moshe Mizrahi of 123 Auto Deals on park ave. who drove Menashe for free no cost to anyone. #3 what was the correction?
#6 you correct.
I would like to thank Menashe for all he dose for our town and country and may he return safely to his family and friends to continue serving the town. THANK YOU.
i think all solders especially the ones on the front lines should be treated this way i was told that even i the airport screeners have no courtesy for them what a shame!!
Hatzlocha Rabba to Reb Menash!!! Go gezunter heit & come back gezunter heit!!
To know it all….. the word is does not dose 🙂
Who cares they will never be anywhere close to seeing any combat. How about saying something about the navy seal that died from Toms River. Or the countless other people that died from Nj. No mention of them.
i feel bad for the family, he wont be home Chanuka?
the 3rd stanza in moas tzur is about galus bavel (iraq)
hope he packed his menorah!
#11 Grow man, i can find better things for you to get all teary eyed…
To Bee says.some people do and some people dose.Who did A.M.Muller represent the Vaad? Hatzolah? Medics?kosher west?LPD Liason?Let us know please
Take Butterworth with you
#16 if you knew Menashe then you wouldn’t be making any negative comments. It’s not about who will see the most combat it’s about how a father will leave his family and travel half way around the world to assist soldiers of all faiths.
Not to C’V take anything away from Menashe Miller, but think about the thousands of soldiers leaving their families and loved ones on far more dangerous missions and they never get this kind of attention. Let’s use this opportunity to remember the amazing sacrifice these soldiers make and be sure to thank them and honor them in every way.
There are also many services that allow you to send either packages or letters to the soldiers, which they say over and over how much they appreciate it.
Trust me I know who bares the real price of war. There are families left fatherless and motherless. Children who haven’t seen their fathers and mothers in many months or never seen them again. People have lost there son’s and daughter’s. I’ve lost friends and brothers. My comment wasn’t directed at this man personally just I was a little upset that someone from a community right next door to us gave his life for his country and I don’t recall so much as a peep being said about this website. I would like to thank Mr. Miller for his service to his country. It is a selfless act and may you come home safe to you family.
tls editor when u post pic and vids of women u should write contains women u use to do that please do it again why should u be macshil people do look at women
Thank you for all that you do, and all that you put up with. We wish you much success and we are sure that you will make a tremendous Kiddush Hashem in Iraq just like you do daily in Lakewood.
Chaplains are exposed to the horrors of war; they perform may of the combat duties and are trained in use of military equipment. While in Iraq the amount of combat may be negligible, in no way should that reflect on chaplains in general.
Reb Menashe
You mean that you will be without yussi’s Sushi for 6 weeks?
Hatzlocho Rabbo
I’ll keep you in mind when at Yussi’s.
Mr.manasher miller safe trip to all of you.
all i can say is interesting!!!
With the amount of work R. Menashe does in this town, he’ll probably get more rest in Afghanistan than he gets in Lakewood. Keep up the good work Mayor Miller!