PHOTOS & VIDEO: After 15 1/2 Years, John Franklin Retires

john franklin retirement day picPHOTOS & VIDEO of today’s emotional goodbye party at the Department of Public Works headquarters, where the employees gathered to say goodbye to their Director of over 15 years, John Franklin, who retires today. Also in attendance, was Committeeman Meir Lichtenstien. John, on behalf of all the readers and staff at TLS, we would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your wonderful years of service to the community. We wish you luck in all your future endeavors, and a happy and healthy retirement.


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  1. John,Good luck you will be missed by evrey resident of Lakewood thanks for doing such a great job. You made Lakewood look proud.All the best to you and your family

  2. John we really all appreciate your hard work. You have a lot to show. Even if we complained about our snow or trash once in a while, your overall job was superb. May you have many happy retirement years with your entire family.

  3. Hey John! You did an amazing job. I don’t know how you put up with all the complaints all day. Whoever takes you over will have a lot to live up to!

  4. May G-d bless you for all you’ve done for the community John. You’ve really turned the town around for the better during your years at the helm. Thank you.

  5. john. i would watch you with awe how you would sit thru those long planning board meetings after a long hard day at work and try to figure out how best to plan the expansion of the community and its needs. you were one of the board members that i can truly say, you had the town in mind and nothing else. i would admire you straightforwardness. you can walk away like a true hero !!!!

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