PHOTOS: Vehicles in Lakewood Egged overnight

egged 3-1-16Multiple vehicles in Lakewood, near the Jackson border, were egged overnight, residents report to TLS.

Residents came out of their homes this morning to find egg dripping from their vehicles, which were legally parked near homes in the area of Clearstream Road and Hope Chapel.

“I don’t know what brings someone to do such hateful acts, but it’s very sad,” one of the victims told TLS.

One of the victims in fact needed to go to the hospital this morning, but needed to get a ride due to eggs on window.

The egging comes just one day after a hate message was found etched in the Riverwood Park in Toms River.


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  1. the above commenters are missing the point
    theirs a pattern emerging here, and we cant be blind and ignore the small seemingly “harmless annoying pranks” . If you let these pass by with out stopping and “nipping it in the bud” the so called pranksters(=anti semites,jew haters) get bolder in their pranks as in broken windows, slashed tires and it escalates from their we dont need to spell out where this can lead .its our job to call the pd of the respective townships let them come down and write up a report and follow up what steps were taken put outdoor video cameras to catch the perps

  2. To posters one and two:
    No. You cannot drive with raw eggs on your windshield. Your vision
    Is totally blocked, and cold water will just make it worse.
    Try it…on your car of course.

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