PHOTOS: Two Frum Lakewood Volunteer Firefighters Among Graduates

grad 1The Lakewood Volunteer Fire Department got four new members, including two Frum members, as the men and women graduated the academy this past week.

The four new Lakewood graduates from the five-month Monmouth County Fire Academy, are Michael Wolf, Eli Pfeffer, Rachel Levitan and Cathy Jennifer.

Michael Wolf, son of Lakewood Volunteer Fire Department Liutenant David Wolf, is the youngest current member of the Lakewood Fire Department. He is also a grandson of Lakewood Pediatrician Dr. Reuven Shanik, who proudly attended the graduation.

Also among the graduates, is Max Dushey of the Deal Fire Department. Dushey is also a member of Jersey Shore Hatzalah, Jersey Shore Chaverim and Lakewood Chaverim.

There are currently several other Frum members in the academy now, and are expected to join the Department in the coming months.



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  1. when I was a child in the 1950’s jews were not accepted in the fire dept or first aid when the fire dept. came to someone’s home they often left with some “goodies”.

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