PHOTOS: Trump’s Promise – Deportations of Illegal Immigrants Begin

The White House:

Deportation flights have begun.

President Trump is sending a strong and clear message to the entire world: if you illegally enter the United States of America, you will face severe consequences.

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  1. I think he should have followed what Reagan did . First he gave amnesty to illegal immigrants who had been here for 5 years or more, were working and were never convicted of a crime. Then he cracked down on the illegals and tightened the border. Trump has no mercy. What group is he going to pick on next? It could be a very slippery slope.

    • hes not picking on any group, hes just sifting out the illegal ones. and he has mercy on all of the U.S. citizens who are here legally and wants them all to be safe! yes sometimes doing the right thing can look bad but he doesnt care what people think, he cares whats right!

  2. duh! you cant disagree! its like if i said that anyone who breaks into my house i will send them flying with consequences, whos gonna disagree? someone who lives in my house?? they dont wanna be safe?? and anyone who thinks its cruelty must not feel that the U.S. is their home!! its like if my friend who is always visiting me in my house decides he doesnt like my house security cameras, i would tell him thanks for your opinion but i dont really care!!!

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