The attendees at the Super Soul Party 2020 were treated to free haircuts, food, and some great company to enjoy the evening with. [Album contains pictures of women.]
PHOTOS: Super Soul party for the homeless held in Toms River

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Wow! I’m impressed how people are able to go out of their comfort zone to make other humans feel good about themselves.
what is all this, & why is it on your site? major disappointment.
Why can’t you keep your bigoted thoughts to yourself and start your own website?
Beautiful! Kol hakavod to all who participated; I wish I could have.
Beauty event. Now maybe someone can tell us who sponsored this event and who ran and manned it.
Looks like a massive Kiddush H-shem. I’ve no idea why some posters here are bashing it.
Beautiful Kiddush Hashem !
I’m just curious , how many homeless people are there in and around Toms River NJ which seems to be a upper middle class neighborhood ?
Alteh Bucher