After many months of anticipation, Penina was ready to unveil her beautiful artwork and present it to The Directors of The Special Children’s Center.
Her dear friends and teachers at The Vocational Training Program sprang into action helping her prepare for the big presentation. It was an inspirational and emotional presentation, portraying Penina’s constant determination. The perseverance and patience invested in the beautiful art was felt by all the guests; her extended family and everyone who joined the special event.
Penina’s father, Rabbi Yitzchok Young, addressed the crowd with a feeling of deep gratitude to The Center explaining that The Center is a place of tremendous caring and tremendous love. But really it runs deeper. There is a mitzvah in the Torah to be holy like Hashem. Hashem does everything for us not expecting anything in return. Our goal is to do for others without getting anything in return. The center typifies this mitzvah. The caring and the love is so pure and therefore so holy.
Penina’s artwork now hangs proudly in The Center’s dining room spreading a message of determination and accomplishment!
[Press Release]